
Team EULER appointed their own positions during the first 2 weeks. Team members self-identified their strengths and weaknesses and then were given the opportunity to select project-oriented positions and collaborators. These 1-4 possible collaborators are members with matching goals, but mismatching strengths. Members working alongside their collaborator(s) should receive insight into subjects within Mechanical Engineering in which they may not be the strongest. This facilitates building upon underdeveloped skills and improving teamwork, even as late as senior year. Team EULER unanimously proposed that the roles get switched to prevent frustration and loss of motivation during this 1-year endeavor. This gives everyone an opportunity to try out more than one role throughout the lifetime of the project. The team is planning on switching roles quarterly but transactions between team members can be made to swap roles at any time if needed. The team roles that are in place are actually quite fluid for us. Many parts of the project will require a substantial overlap of the assigned roles; this is why we deliberately defined the roles so that some teammates’ responsibilities coincide with others. This aids in evenly spreading the workload across the entirety of Team EULER.

Title Responsibilities Person(s) Possible Collaborators
Project Leader Keeps everyone and all subgroups on track / Leads conversations / Prepare bi-weekly agenda Connor John / Ryan D / Chris / Edward
Task Manager Delegate tasks / Promotes timely responses within the team Dylan Jamison / Connor / Jake / Ryan D
Design Manager Integrates between subgroups / Works with electromechanical interfaces between subsystems Chris Ryan D / Jake / John / Connor
Scribe Records meeting notes / Keeps a log of activities / Records action items for the Task Manager to use Ryan D Chris / Dylan / Connor / John
Scheduler Document and record action items with the Scribe / Track deliverables and time logs Tim Ethan / Jake / Connor / Ryan D
Wildcard! Provides extra assistance to sub-groups when necessary / Focuses on bringing meaningful conversation to the group otherwise Chris Ryan D / Jake / John / Connor
Devil’s Advocate Raises counter-arguments and constructive objections / Introduces alternative explanations and solutions Jamison Connor / Dylan / Ryan D / Ryan P
Explorer Develops alternative situations, tasks, and, solutions / Explores new areas of inquiry Edward Chris / Ryan P / John / Connor
Stakeholder Manager Liaison / Facilitates and keeps close working relations with stakeholders for other group members to use Ryan P Connor / Ryan D / Jamison / Edward
Presentation Coordinator Presenter for 5-minute presentations John Ryan D / Edward / Jamison / Chris
Historian Document and record Team EULER milestones, goals, and general events /  Updates Progress Blog bi-weekly Ethan Jake / Connor / Tim / Edward / Jamison
Website Manager Coordinates and manages website construction / Revises and organizes the general structure of the website Jake Connor / Jamison / Tim / Dylan
Subgroup Leaders A team member that leads a subgroup for coding, CAD, electronics, modeling, etc / Communicates with other Subgroup Leaders to facilitate timely work and production Jay Ryan D / Chris / Jamison