Market Selection Process

We started with general ideas about problems that we saw in reality. We then narrowed down those problems by voting as a team on them to 3 main areas, high risk jobs, ecological problems, and medical problems. From here we further narrowed down the 3 main areas to just high risk jobs by comparing our interest one area to the others as seen below. 

From there, we collected information on different jobs from multiple sources including directly from the job holders and from journal articles describing the challenges they face. From the information collected we identified possible problems that we can look into and began to compare these possible problems against each other based on interest. As seen below, we found that we rated 4 of the potential problems the same. We decided to try and combine the 4 and focus on issues firefighters have with equipment as well as possibly removing firefighters from dangerous situations in some way.

The market segment we’re looking into focuses mainly on firefighters, similarities of members within our market segment include:

  • Firefighters are found throughout the world in some shape or form.
  • Firefighters are primarily male (88%). [6]
  • The average age is 38.8. [6]