What the Frack

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Through the medium of a comical game show, we describe the process, benefits, and controversies of fracking to our viewers. The two contestants on “What The Frack?” portray their standpoints, and the player ultimately has to chose which side to take on the matter. Contestant One works for the EPA and believes that the health and environmental risks of fracking outweigh economic benefits. Contestant Two strongly encourages fracking because the he believes that the creation of new technologies will most definitely make fracking safer for the environment and increase jobs, which will positively impact the economy.

Hydraulic fracturing is used both onshore and offshore, but we chose to focus on onshore fracking because it is relevant to where we are currently living. Fracking companies start by locating a drill site, which can end up being controversial in residential areas of Pennsylvania. Drilling can take up many acres of land, but once the oil is retrieved from the well, transported, and finally refined, it can be used as a readily available energy source.  Oil from fracking makes us non-dependant on foreign oil and creates jobs. The most controversial aspect of this process is the disposal of the fracking fluid, because chemicals used in the process can be harmful to human health as well as the environment.


Emma, Julie, Dylan, Max

11 thoughts on “What the Frack

  1. Love the intro! Haha frack puns. It has great humor but still gets the point across. Why are the chemicals shot through the rock not checked by the government? Do the economic benefits outweigh the environmental costs? All great questions.

  2. I love the interview in this podcast, which is an integration of knowledge and fun. Fracking becomes interesting now!

  3. Very informative, I liked the whole jokeing in the start but it was kinda hard to follow with the whole game show thing it was kinda hard to follow for me.

  4. An original idea executed perfectly!

    It was a great way to educate people about fracking and its processes, while also exploring the controversy surrounding fracking.

    Nice job guys.

  5. Really clever idea and great job delivering the information! I thought it was informative while at the same time entertaining.

    Loved the puns! Great job you guys!

  6. I really like this podcast. The idea for a game show kept me interested and learned more because I was intently listening.

  7. Did you guys use the 90210 song?….It was very funny and creative. I loved it, so who does she choose?

  8. Holy frack! What a great podcast! I really liked the use of two contestants with opposing viewpoints. Obviously, fracking is an incredible resource to our economic viability, yet I still am left with an uneasy feeling about its safety. Does your contestant from the EPA believe that our country can frack responsibly with the correct restrictions or that it must stop? I’m also curious to know if your oil man, presumably from Texas, would care to respond on the recent sequel to the documentary, “Gas land”?

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