8 thoughts on “Enhanced Fossil Fuel Recovery – Unconventional Oil

  1. It was a very well organized podcast. I appreciated the athlete metaphor that was used to explain the difference between unconventional and conventional oil. The podcast gave a lot of information but i have a few questions: what is the importance of turning the drill 90 degrees? Does fracking have an impact on the soil? Are we able to recover all of the oil or not?
    Other than that i loved this podcast and appreciated the guitar background.

    1. Thanks for your questions. Unfortunately, directional drilling is extremely difficult to explain and much of it is not understood by the public due to privacy laws. I will try to explain this in further depth in our class presentation

  2. Very entertaining podcast! Just out of curiosity, do you think you could mention how the drill bit turns as it is a metal pipe in rock. I’m not sure if it is too complex though. Also you might want to mention that oil reserves have gas and vice versa as you use oil and gas interchangeably. Other than that I loved it.

    1. The turning of the pipe is extremely interesting and is done thanks to “flex collars.” I will explain in greater detail in class.

  3. Excellent! The presentation of the podcast is impeccable. The sing-song titles and subtle music throughout the podcast kept me entertained. The strumming of the guitar was weirdly soothing. I felt like I was watching TV with my feet up on a Friday afternoon or maybe more like sitting outside of a saloon in the mid-west. I’m sure Barker’s Texas influence had something to do with that. Being a person who appreciates comedy, I liked the little Dr. Ferry references and fracking puns thrown into the presentation. The only suggestion that I can honestly think of is that because you had a little extra time you could have touched upon how the drill turns 90 degrees. Overall, awesome.

  4. This made me chuckle. Also a certain neuroscience student can now grasp the basics of unconventional oil, so that must mean you did a pretty good job. I liked how you combined humor with actual information. Good job!

  5. Awesome podcast! Great combination of humor and intellect. It was well organized and the information was conveyed in a way that made the process easy to understand for someone who, like most of us, doesn’t. My only suggestion would be to re-record when there was a slight slip up or pause that may break the flow, but this only happened once or twice. Again, great job you guys!

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