6 thoughts on “Algae to Biodiesel: An Analysis of an Emerging Field of Energy

  1. This was a very interesting topic, I never knew that algae could be converted to biodiesel. After the oil gets extracted, the process sounds very similar to what we did in lab making our own biodiesel. I wonder which method is more efficient.

  2. You did a great job on your podcast, Rachel, Siya, and Connor! I like how detailed your production method is and how well your schematic complements your podcast. I also found your discussion of the benefits and disadvantages of using algae for biodiesel production very interesting.

  3. I thought this was very interesting, and very well done. However, I noticed that you said using algae to produce fuel has no opportunity cost; you also mentioned that it has a negative net energy gain. I realize that you meant that algae has no other uses, but this was still slightly confusing…

  4. I thought this podcast was very interesting and you did a great job! I had never heard of using algae to make biodiesel. Despite the fact that it is currently a net-negative process, it sounds like it might be a very useful technology if improved upon in the future. Great job!

  5. This was really well done, what was said was interesting and taught me a lot about something I didn’t even know was possible. The comparison between the pros and cons was also a good detail and showed how much effort you put into this project.

  6. This is the first I’ve heard of algae biofuel, and you did a job in explaining the tech to a layman such as myself. Given that many people haven’t heard of it or used it as a fuel themselves, I would be curious to learn more about algae’s potential as an efficient fuel source aside from its sustainable nature. Are there statistics showing promising developments of algae biofuel technology in the recent past?

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