7 thoughts on “ES: 101, Fracking: Methods and Impacts

  1. Excellent all around guys; I really enjoyed the tune you used for the beginning transitions. This really helped deepen my understanding of the fracking process.

  2. I really loved the way the content was delivered. It kept me interested! Especially the part relating back to Lafayette College. However, sometimes the volume was a bit awkward. There was also a few awkward pauses when a question was asked and then the same person would answer it. Maybe a more intereactive approach would work better.

  3. I enjoyed listening to this podcast and both sides of the fracking debate. Do you think fracking should be allowed?

  4. I thought this was really good, but there were some parts that were kind of difficult to understand what was being said. Other than that I thought it was very good and had a lot of interesting information.

  5. I like the catchy intro but I think it’d be better not to use that same tune too much. Also, I couldn’t help but notice that the first person to speak (Luis) didn’t say his name. Besides that, you guys edited your piece well and just need to work on a few fading issues and some confidence when speaking.

  6. Liked the podcast content a lot, but the audio consistancy and flow of the podcast needs to be worked on

  7. This was a good concise look at the fracking process and the presentation was enjoyable. Other than sounding a bit unnatural at parts, which may have just been the microphone or the fact that its not a very relatable topic, I can’t think of anything I would change, great job guys.

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