Additive Manufacturing

By Christian Menza, Andy Hendry, and Bryan Sherrill

This week on Lafayette Lumberjacks, we talk about additive manufacturing, specifically 3D printing. We talk to Christian “Jebediah” Menza, the leading expert on the assembly of the 3D printer and how it can be improved. Next, we interview Andy “Sweet Cheeks” Hendry who will talk about the societal implications of additive manufacturing. This will be another addition to your favorite lumberjack podcast.

podcast picture


“3D Printing and You.” Cube 3D Printer. Web. 3 Dec. 2014. <>.

Evaluation of 3D Printing and Its Potential Impact on Biotechnology and the Chemical Sciences Bethany C. Gross, Jayda L. Erkal, Sarah Y. Lockwood, Chengpeng Chen, and Dana M. Spence Analytical Chemistry 2014 86 (7), 3240-3253

Gibson, I., and D. W. Rosen. Additive Manufacturing Technologies Rapid Prototyping to Direct Digital Manufacturing. New York: Springer, 2010. Print.

“The Peachy Printer – The First $100 3D Printer & Scanner.” The Peachy Printer – The First $100 3D Printer & Scanner. Web. 29 Nov. 2014. <>.

7 thoughts on “Additive Manufacturing”

  1. I think you guys were really creative in this podcast and did a great job explaining the process of 3D printing. There are clearly a lot of advantages to using 3D printing, although you do point out the major problems, like its lack of applicability to mass production. In your next podcast, I suggest making more specific suggestions to address the problems with 3D printing for mass production.

  2. Loved the podcast guys. The comedy of lumberjacks talking about additive manufacturing provided a good comic backdrop for the rest of the content. You covered how 3D printing works very well, and I would almost say you went a little too far with the explanation. You could have had a little more time to talk about the benefits and drawbacks, but this was not a big problem, you still covered everything very well. At times the audio seemed a little grainy, but it was by no means bad, and the polka was amazing, I could listen to that all day. Nicely done.

  3. Awesome podcast, guys! I liked the attention to detail on each topic, and I thought you explained additive manufacturing in a clear and concise manner. If I knew nothing about this field, I think this podcast could “fill me in” on what I needed to know. This may have distracted from the content, but I think you guys could have driven home the lumberjack theme even more by playing ambient woodland sound effects in the background. Overall, I think this is a great podcast.

  4. Great podcast, first of all. I liked how you guys explained the process of additive manufacturing with adequate details to make someone who is not familiar with the process understand easily. However, I think the content is slightly lacking in factors about the negative side of additive manufacturing. Nice job overall.

  5. Awesome podcast! I like how you guys went more in depth on what we briefly learned in class about additive manufacturing and 3D printing.. I really think that if someone who didn’t know anything about the process listened to this podcast, they would have a great understanding of what it is. Great job!

  6. The lumberjack theme was an instant attention grabber and really got me interested. The simple question and answer format was extremely functional in addressing such a complex topic too. The language used was easy to understand and helped me significantly in learning a lot more about additive manufacturing. Having said that, I felt that you should have invested a little more time on the drawbacks of additive manufacturing. Though a question is asked on the drawbacks, the answer doesn’t quite match up. Overall, I think you all did a commendable job in explaining a procedure as complex as additive manufacturing in under five and a half minutes.

  7. Great stuff, I especially enjoyed the music and the theme. In terms od creativity you get an A+. That’s not to say you don’t deserve one for the other parts of your podcast. I found your description of additive manufacturing to both be concise and interesting. Personally, I find the idea of additive manufacturing, an example being 3d printing, to be quite amazing and can’t wait to see how it develops in the future.

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