Nanotechnology Used in Cancer Therapy


A diagram depicting how gold nanoparticles interact with cancer cells.

Canadian Citizen Walter White goes to the doctor to learn that he has lung cancer. Fortunately, due to advances in nanotechnology, there are multiple treatments available to him which are presented by a team of oncologists. These doctors are Dr. Luz Pineda, Dr. Andrew Ortiz, Dr. Wisam Bellan, and Dr. Kevin Kong.

Image credit to the Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. The image was accessed on a page discussing Dr. Renat Letfullin, a researcher in the field of cancer nanotherapy. (URL:

7 thoughts on “Nanotechnology Used in Cancer Therapy”

  1. I thought this podcast was very creative and I liked the way you explained all of the different options for cancer treatment using nanotechnology.
    However, I think it would have been more interesting if you had made the podcast more like a dialogue between the doctors and the patient. It might help the listener understand the risks of nanotechnology better.

  2. Very good podcast! First of all, Breaking bad is awesome and was a very creative idea. I also liked how each person talked about what the next doctor was going to talk about before handing off the microphone. It allowed the listener to get and idea of what was coming next so it was easier to understand and comprehend. I don’t know if it would be possible, but maybe next time talk involve the patient while each doctor was talking to him. It would make it more realistic.

  3. Right off the bat I loved the idea of Breaking Bad, though the clip at the beginning was a little fuzzy. You did a great job explaining all the possible treatments, and how they use nanotechnology, I just feel it would have worked even better had each explanation been prompted by the patient asking questions. I realize the show doesn’t provide you with the audio you need to make this happen, it is just a thought for the future. Again I loved the creativity and the content, there are just some small formatting (for lack of a better word) things that could be changed.

  4. I would like to acclaim for presenting multiple potential cancer treatments with nanotechnology involved and the creativity of podcast, first. The podcast overall was good; however, the delivery could be better if it was conversational style, rather than simply explaining things. Furthermore, more detailed analysis could make the listeners understand the materials better.

  5. I thought it was extremely interesting how you included the reference to breaking bad. This really helped you convey your ideas through your podcast. I thought it was creative to have each person talking as another doctor. Everyone was really easy to understand and all of your dialogue was clear. I think the image could have been explained a little better.

  6. Great idea incorporating Breaking Bad to help establish a discussion on cancer treatment. Your explanations of the possible treatments and technologies was very informative, but I think you could have added a bit more about it. You discussed the use of gold to treat cancerous cells, but, out of curiosity, how feasible is that type of treatment due to costs of gold? How pure does the gold need to be? Well done guys.

  7. Great creativity in the layout of the podcast overall! The integration of Breaking Bad was a really nice touch which helps establish a relationship to common society. However I am still a bit confused on the topic of using gold to ultimately treat the cancerous cells. I think if you had the patient ask a question pertaining to that topic it would have been near perfect.

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