9 thoughts on “POC Diagnostics in Microfluidics”

  1. I really enjoyed this podcast! I think you guys did a fantastic job of describing the technology present in and the science behind Point of Care Diagnostic Devices. I also found it very helpful how you used examples that many people would recognize; this helped me to gain a better understanding of the some of the more complex processes. My only criticism would be that at times you could here other people talking in the background, and this can be distracting. I would suggest cleaning up the background noise a little. Overall a great podcast!

  2. I can clearly see that you all put in a great amount of time and effort in order to create such an impressive podcast. The clear flow of ideas, and delineation of steps, made it easy to understand what you were discussing. Towards the end, it was slightly difficult to keep up, as the speaker was a bit fast. Even so, you did a nice job at effectively and concisely portraying your knowledge on POC diagnostic devises in microfluidics!

  3. I really enjoyed the transition between the speakers! There was immense depth in the amount of information presented. Overall this was a great podcast to listen too. My one concern is the pacing towards the end. It goes a little too fast which makes it hard to keep up with the flow of information given…

  4. Overall, you guys did a fantastic job. It’s apparent that you truly knew the material and understood the technology behind point of care diagnostics. The only problem was that even though the time was within the constraints, it started to drag and felt longer. With that, I don’t think that the break was necessary. Still, great job!

  5. Exploring the deeper details of this subject was very enlightenging in regards to our professor’s lectures. It was interesting to know how they are made, not as simple as I thought.

  6. Very well done. You all spoke really clearly and the level of detail was very appropriate for the allotted time. I like how you noted that there were many ways to make it, but only focused on one.
    The talking was fairly smooth, but could have been more conversational in parts. Overall, very nice job.

  7. I really enjoyed the podcast and appreciated how much detail you guys went into in the amount of time you had. Like others, my only concern would be the end when the speaker increased his pace relative to the relative to the rest of the podcast.

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