Additive Manufacturing




In this episode of STEM Revolution, we explore three-dimensional printing– a subcategory of additive manufacturing.  There are many types of three-dimensional printing.  A few examples are ceramic, stainless steel and laser additive manufacturing.  Three-dimensional printing wastes very few resources because unused materials can be recollected and used again.  It also allows users to produce personalized designs.  This is especially useful in the medical field and the creation of prosthetics.  Three-dimensional printing is being used in countless areas, such as the aerospace, automotive and biomedical industries.  Despite the large energy cost, three-dimensional printing has the ability to revolutionize our world because of the incredible flexibility it allows.

This episode is brought to you by Waseh Ahmad, Peri Chain, Ryan Lynch, Liam McCormack, and Sara Mikovic.

9 thoughts on “Additive Manufacturing”

  1. Great job! I really loved the music and transitions you guys chose to include in this podcast. I found the easy to follow structure of the topics discussed to really aid in the successful flow of the podcast. It allowed me to grasp the complex technologies you were all discussing. However, because the podcast was a bit long, my only recommendation would be to shorten it a little. But otherwise I thought this was a very insightful, fun podcast!

    1. I agree with Ciara! This was a very entertaining podcast to listen to. I enjoyed the great energy at the beginning. Next time, it would be ideal to keep the content within the time limit and in order to do that maybe cut off a little of the music. Anyway excellent work overall!!!

  2. Good work on this podcast. I loved the music in the background and your creativity was on point. I think you could have cut off a little of the music at the beginning and the end to make your podcast just a little bit shorter because it is rather long. But overall it was very easy to follow and your visual was very useful. Awesome job!

  3. The music was a good intro and it didn’t over power Peri’s voice. The topics were presented well and followed a logical order. The information was interesting and presented well. I really like the use of a host, it made the podcast that much better. As everyone else has said, it was a little bit long.

  4. I liked that the intro music continued while Peri opened up the show, it kept my attention. Ryan really seemed to know what he was talking about, and I liked that he referenced the device we have here at Laf. The transitions between speakers were natural, and flowed well. The real-world applications Waseh referenced were very interesting. As others have said, though, it was pretty long. The information was thorough, and it is clear that you guys knew what you were talking about. Nice job.

  5. Music in the beginning was a little loud, covering up your voice. The story was very interesting and entertaining. I didn’t know Lafayette had 3D printer. Cool!

  6. I really liked the introduction at the beginning it was clear and informative. The music in the background was a nice touch but it was a little distracting. Also it was a little hard to hear Ryan during his segment. Overall, I liked it.

  7. Overall, I really liked this podcast. It was very informative and in-depth, but perhaps a bit too long. The music in the background was a good touch, though, and I had no problem hearing Peri over it. I especially like that you tied in the 3D printer that we have here at Laf. Well done.

  8. I enjoyed the background music as it was at a good volume so that the speaker could still be heard. I enjoyed how you connected the podcast to Lafayette with the 3D printer. The information was well presented and had good flow to it. Overall very good job.

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