
For our Alpha I testing, 6 powerpoint presentations showing 5 images with predetermined items were set up. Powerpoints 1-3 and 4-6 were identical except for presentation order of the items. For our Alpha I testing, we tested other senior design group students. Testers were presented with a powerpoint and asked to use the Alpha prototype to sort the 5 items as they appeared on the powerpoint. The screen was recorded for each test and the recordings were individually analyzed for accuracy and time. An exit survey was sent to each person tested in order to gather feedback about the prototype. 

For the Alpha II testing, students were again asked to use the prototype to sort items but this time with an item they thought of or had with them to throw away. For Alpha II we tested our prototype with students during the lunch hour in Farinon and RISC. We recorded what item they had or what item they decided on and again screen recorded as they went through the decision tree on our prototype. The screen recordings were used to determine accuracy and time spent on the test. These participants were given the same exit survey afterwards.