Design Process

Functional Requirement Focus:

  • Identify Products
    • Solution can identify what someone is trying to throw away with 90% accuracy
  • Identify Contamination
    • Solution can identify if this product is clean or dirty with 90% accuracy

We chose these two design goals because they are highlighted on the frontside of our problem. All the other functional requirements flow from these first two steps. If these two steps are not completed properly, the rest of the goals will not be able to be attained.

Brainstorming the Process:

Initially, we broke into two groups to brainstorm how we might break down the process of identifying contamination and identifying the object. The figure below shows what this looked like for one of the groups:

Next, we combined the ideas that were generated to formulate a question tree. This was reviewed and put into Adobe XD. Adobe XD is a free, online software that allows our team to create a question tree to present to participants. An overview of this design is depicted below: