Alpha Prototyping

Alpha Prototype Description

The purpose of this prototype is to identify objects and levels of contamination. In order to create a plan for the way our alpha prototype would function we needed to layout the questions for how the user would interact with the system. We began by focusing on identifying the item. From the user doing this, a database of information would be able to determine if that item was potentially recyclable or trash. If the item was potentially recyclable, we then needed to determine how contaminated the item was. The user would be able to select a contamination level with the help of graphics. This information would allow the interface to tell the user if the item was still recyclable or if it was now garbage.

The prototype was created on Adobe XD and was initially tested on a group of engineering students. The two functional requirements being evaluated were the identification of the recyclables and non recyclables along with the identification of the contamination present within recyclables. Other design attributes being evaluated are the interactivity and the prevention of contamination in recycling bins. These attributes were mainly measured through analyzing the percent error, through observation, and through interviewing the participants.