

Our team scheduled two testing times during the lunch hours in Rockwell Integrated Science Center. During the first test, our team stood near the trash cans with our Sustainabuddy mounted on top of it and asked people if they would be willing to use the product. Without any guidance on our part, users worked through the interactive system. After this, we asked them to fill out an exit survey which asked about factors such as what they enjoyed or disliked about the system, how much time it took them to complete the process, and how likely they would be to bypass the system or use another trash can instead.

The second test conducted had a more hands-off approach. After setting up the system and placing a QR code to the exit survey next to the trash can, we sat nearby to watch what people would naturally do with the system. We wanted to see what users would do with the system with less peer pressure and prompting.



  • When: April 28th, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Where: RISC
  • Goal: Gauge desirability of product use and user reflections


  • When: May 1st, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Where: RISC
  • Goal: Observe user bypass rate and desirability of the product

The front face of a campus science building. It's exterior marries traditional red brick architecture with large section of modern floor to ceiling windows.