
Testing Results

It was difficult to get people to use the Sustainabuddy. Many people would approach the trash can, see the apparatus, and turn away. Also, there were some technical difficulties which affected the experience of the users; the touchscreen was unresponsive at points. However, for those who did use the system, they responded positively. Everyone completed the task in less than a minute and was okay with the amount of time it took. Additionally, the users reflected that some of them felt like they learned from the system. As seen in the plot below, a quarter of the people who filled out the survey sorted their waste differently because of the system.

This is exactly what we wanted! The original problem of the project is that there is too much contamination in the recycling. The goal was to decrease this, and this feedback demonstrates that this system can help accomplish this goal. The Office of Sustainability visited our test and were excited by the progress we have made.