Team Charter

The purpose of this document is to set expectations for how the team will conduct themselves in class and how work outside of class should be completed. These rules have been created by the team based on our team values and goals, and each member of the team has agreed to uphold them. As the name of this constitution suggests, these rules are in place so that team members can hold themselves and their teammates accountable for their part in the project and team. The rules set forth in this constitution aim to guide the team. They may be changed with the team’s agreement as the values and goals of the team develop throughout the year. 

  • Deliverable Responsibility
    • Quality 
      • We agree to put effort and time into the work we do. The amount of time will vary with the amount of work we need to complete and will be discussed as a team. This class is equally as important as other classes. Each team member will work on/think about the project a minimum of 1 hour between meetings, even on light work weeks.
    • Timeline
      • We agree to complete our deliverables the day before their due date so that the website can be updated.
  • Attendance
    • Accepted Excuses: Sick, Dean’s Excuse
      • These absences are accepted, but an effort to catch up is still required
    • Skipping, Sleeping In
      • We understand that missing class for an unexcused reason puts a burden on our classmates and thus we will put in our best effort to attend every class on time
      • If we are absent we can make it up by bringing a snack for the class
    • Preparing/Communicating an Absence
      • If we know we are going to be late or not in class, whether it be an excused or unexcused absence, we will send a message in GroupMe or Slack as soon as possible
      • Send a summary of your deliverable progress to the group to read during the meeting
    • Catching Up
      • We agree to make up for any missed time out of class and be responsible for learning what we missed
      • Text or call the team member who has a scheduled absence if a decision is being made
  • Conduct 
    • In Class
      • We agree not to interrupt others and pay attention during discussions. This class is a space where we can safely share our ideas. If there is a disagreement, an agreement will be reached. 
    • Out of Class
      • Clean up after yourself.
      • Make sure participants in experiments feel welcome and respected.
  • Communication
    • Respect
      • For Classmates and Professor Prabhu
      • For stakeholders and interviewees (bias, timeliness, representing team)
      • This looks like being honest, kind, and fair. All parties can contribute proportionally, and each team member will actively and positively seek to listen and understand the person who is talking.
    • Communication
      • We agree to communicate with our classmates along every step of the project and communicate our successes as well as our confusions/failures.
      • Peer review emails to stakeholders before they are sent out.
    • Handling Issues
      • Talk to the other person first
      • If issues are still unresolved, include Professor Prabhu or the counseling center in the conversation
    • Mental Health
      • We understand that life happens and in some situations, exceptions to the rules need to be made. In these cases, communicating with the group, a trusted group member, or the Professor is important


Initials stating we agree to uphold these standards and rules