Team Roles

We created and divided our roles based on the needs we had at the moment and the strengths of each team member. We will need to update these roles as the year and project continue to progress. Our plan is to adapt when people feel that the workload is unbalanced and/or when their own role is too challenging. If there is a gap in our progress because we do not have someone in a dedicated role, we will create a new one. Team surveys are sent out every couple of weeks to evaluate our roles and the distribution of work.

After the first deliverable, our team reevaluated and revised our roles since the second deliverable did not evenly distribute the work throughout all of the team members. When redefining roles we wanted to ensure each member of our group had at least one in-class role so that everyone is equally engaged in the conversation and can add to discussion. We anticipate these roles working better because everybody will now have specific work to focus on outside of class to prepare for the next group meeting. For the fall semester, the roles we use are described as follows:

At the beginning of the spring semester, we decided that the roles used in the fall would have less significant responsibilities, but they worked well for the discussion based activities. For the first prototype we will introduce the following classes that each person will be assigned to, having the classes allows us to move people when the work demands higher attention, but also focus in on the details that would be challenging to define with the full group working at different paces in different directions.