Team Members

Rebekah Fodale
Note Taker/Agenda Maker/English Checker

Rebekah is from Bethlehem, PA and studies mechanical engineering and music. She loves helping people and is intrigued in behavior design and how to enact change from the inside out (the intersection of psychology and engineering).

Alexandria Madeira
Discussion Facilitator/English Checker/Stakeholder Management

Alex is a mechanical engineering major and film and media studies minor from Kempton, PA. She wants to make creative and technical solutions to better everyday life, which is why she was drawn to work with the human-centered design group!

John McParland
Devil's Advocate/Website Flow Checker
Mark Sabin
Deliverable Decomposer/Tangent Awareness
Mark is from West Windsor, New Jersey. He chose to study mechanical engineering because the field offers a large variety of continued of learning opportunities in a variety of directions, and human-centered design called to him because there is a necessity to learn and challenge personal biases in order to be successful.
Juliette Guanci
Assigning Discussion Specific Leaders/Deliverable Website Verifier
Juliette is from Wakefield, MA. She enjoys studying mechanical engineering as she has always been fascinated with how different pieces come together to make an entire system work. The human centered design group was interesting to her due to the vast potential of what a problem and a solution could be.
Erica Brasher
Research Captain/Agenda Maker/Website Graphic Checker
Erica is from Burke, VA. She enjoys studying mechanical engineering because it is a hands-on field with a wide variety of applications. She was drawn to the human-centered design group because it is important to understand the needs of the user in order to create something impactful.
Yardley Plasencia
Timer/Outreach Email Checker
Yardley is from Allentown, Pennsylvania. He is majoring in Mechanical Engineering because he is passionate about robotics, taking apart electronics, and understanding why and how mechanical systems work. What drew him to human-centered design was the fact that he enjoys communicating with people directly and understanding what they need so he could design interactive systems that would physically improve their lives.
Zachary Werther
Note Taker/Website Citation Checker/Presentation Lead
Rohan Prabhu
Faculty Advisor
Rohan is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering (at Lafayette College). With a background at the intersection of engineering design and psychology, his research and teaching focuses on design cognition - i.e., how designers design. Given the ubiquitous presence of engineered solutions around us, he's excited about using human-centered design to identify and solve impactful problems with local communities!