
How do the relationships of men and women (gender roles) compare to the relationship between human and animals (speciesism) in 19th century British novels?

  • For girls and young women
  • Has a male counterpart: The Boy’s Own Annual Paper
  • Published from 1880 to 1956 by the Religious Tract Society which became the Lutterworth Press sold for one penny
  • Provided a mix of serialized stories and educational and improving articles with occasional answers to correspondents, art, music, and textile patterns. Later began to include things such as serious careers for girls and latest styles of dress
  • Most contributors were not famous and were not well known outside of The Girl’s Own Paper.
  • Facsimile reprints of Volumes 1-4 were published in Eureka, Japan in 1946. Several editions are available online from Project Gutenburg.
  • Contents became more serious during World War II, but were directed towards younger readers as on 1930
  • There was at least one male editor, and there were pieces about men