by M.R. Delany
Many, even among persons of intelligence and scientific attainments, entertain the apprehension of a ‘clashing of worlds,’ or the contact of ours with some other planet. This is a physical impossibility, according to the laws of nature. And though in truth it may be said that theory on the heavenly bodies is merely conjectural (1), yet the simple observance of a scientific fact, will prove the fallacy of the premise.
There is a law essential to matter, of mutual attraction and repulsion, which would seem to depend on the spherical shape of bodies. The ultimate, particles of all matter being spherical, different substances, differ in their power of attraction, present this property in different degrees, and apparently under different circumstances—the larger , the body, the greater the powers of attraction and repulsion, which has properly been attributed to the presence of electricity, demonstrated in isolated bodies, in opposite states of electrical influence, positive and negative.
Why this is so, is a question no more to be answered satisfactorily, than to explain the cause of the projecting rays of the sun. Yet it should not be denied that the rays of the sun are known to a, certainty to project, because we both see and feel their effects and influence on everything around us.
Atomic, or the attraction of cohesion—so far as its nature is concerned, as yet remains a mystery to the scientific world, which never as yet has been satisfactorily explained. But why remains a mystery, since the attraction of gravitation and the influence of electricity have become known.
It has long since been discovered that different materials present different powers of attraction. Thus, lead has less than gold, gold than silver, silver than copper, copper than iron; each of which is proportionally stronger than the other, which depends entirely upon cohesion, or the mutual attraction of particles.
The only attraction, the nature of which is understood with certainty, is that of electricity, different materials possessing for it, different degrees of capacity.
Thus, two bodies, when “similarly electrified’—whether in a high or low degree—‘mutually repel each other,’ while two “dissimilarly electrified, mutually attract each other.” Hence, a positively electrified body will attract a negative, whilst two positive or two negative will mutually repel each other.
The terms positive and negative, are simply relative, referring, to the comparative condition of each body with the other. A body is said to be positive when containing a higher degree of electricity than another with which it is compared, and negative when a lower degree. The beauty and wisdom of this arrangement must become apparent (3).
All substances, as proven by chemical analysis, are composed of compound materials, even those which are thought to be reduced to a simple elementary constituent. If a body in the aggregate be thus each particle being also a body independent, must also in like manner be composed of compound materials, as it is impossible by any mechanical agency, to reduce a solid body to the ultimate atomic constituency.
By this may be understood the laws of the attraction of cohesion; the positive and negative state of the atomic particles of matter.
These minute particles in different electric-conditions (4), continually mutually attract each other, forming the closest adhesion. The fracture, or separation of parts of a body unknown by force, must be attributable to an electrical similarity of all the particles which separated from each other, which is simply electrical repulsion, by similarly electrified bodies.
Electricity, like caloric or heat, is universal or everywhere present, which being in a latent (5) state, is only observed when sensibly excited to action. It is in this state of latency it acts as cohesive attraction, the surplus fluid passing off to neighboring foreign bodies. By this mighty economy is displayed in wisdom of Omnipotence, and disclosed the wonderful laws which govern the Planetary system of the universe (6).
The Sun, the center of our system, stands unmoved in space, except to revolve on his axis, and being similarly electrified, keeps at a proper distance from the earth, in her orbit.
But to complete these revolutions, and harmonize the system in conformity with the annual changes of seasons, the earth, must continually vary in electrical intensity, being alternately positive and negative.
Supposing the earth, when ‘ushered out of Almighty hands (7),’—at any given distance from the sun, which distance, according to Divine wisdom (8), would be in harmony with the design—to have been in a negative state of electricity, it would necessarily have projected through space—attracted by the sun’s superior body of intense electricity until reaching within a given distance having attained the same degree of electrical intensity, increasing as it approached—a repulsion would take place, when the earth, instead of being directly stopped in her progress and turned back; by the radiating arrangement of the solar influence, would change her direction in a curve or ellipsis, and passing a short distance around the sun, when, with a velocity equal to that with which she approached, retrace her course by repulsion of the sun. Continuing an opposite direction until losing her electrical intensity—having reached near the point of starting—being again attracted, retraces her steps in a curve, returning toward the sun by the original path, forming the annual revolution (9).
The Moon, doubtless, bears the same relation to the earth as the earth to the sun, being governed by the same laws of attraction.
The revolution of the planets upon their own axes, taking place at the first attractive impulse, there could not be any counteracting influence, to change their course of motion. Hence their continual revolution with unimpeded or unaccelerated motion, in the same direction in which the first impulse was given.
By this beautiful law alone, may the phenomenon of meteoric stones be satisfactorily accounted for. These astronomical missiles, being stone or minerals—some material substance—situated on the surface of the moon, attaining an electric intensity equal to that of the centre of the planet—in condition it is simply positive to it—is suddenly repulsed with a force, proportional to the difference of their bulk, projecting it through space to the earth—the comparative short distance of 240,000 miles—with a velocity imperceptible to the naked eye.
The exit of a meteoric missile, might not consume a longer time than would be required by the hand of the swiftest penman, to write the word meteoric stone, or the darting across the heavens of a vivid flash of lightning (10). When comparing this estimate with that of the velocity of the swiftest planets, it may not appear extra Vagrant.
The diameter of the sun is estimated, at 2,400,000 miles. Supposing every ray of light emanating from this immense surface of two millions four hundred thousand miles of a circle—which doubtless is the case—to be a medium for active electrical attraction, its impulsive influence upon the earth will not for a moment be doubted. And comparing the earth in relation to the sun, with a stone thrown from the moon, with the repulsive influence of that planet, places at once it would seem the conclusion beyond a successful controversy.
The rays of the sun are doubtless, the great media of electrical attraction and influence upon our planetary system, the earth being a modifying medium between the sun and moon, other planets in like manner, relative to each other’s motion. Positive electricity impels the earth to aphelion; negative to perihelion the moon to apogee and perigee (11): the mystery of the laws of the mutual attraction of matter, and planetary motion, doubtless finding a solution in the laws of electricity.
The earth as a body containing all the elements of atomic attraction— as previously explained—attains an electrical intensity, making it positive to every thing upon the surface, thus from their negative condition attract-ing and retaining them permanently upon it. The location of this electrical influence, is always at the Centre of bodies (12); hence the impossibility of separating a portion of the planet away from herself. Were this not the case, it would be impossible to retain anything upon the surface, as all detached or loose bodies would immediately fly off in a tangent, being repelled by the revolution of the earth on her axis.
Latent electricity does not affect small bodies, nor detached portions of large ones—as planets—in relation to themselves, although of similar electrical intensity.
Thus, two copper balls of equal electrical capacity and intensity, may be brought in close proximity, with out any sensible effect whatever. Or the same of copper and iron of unequal capacity and intensity, (one positive and the other negative) and there would be a similar result, no sensible effect whatever.
To be effective in either case, there must be electrical excitement in the repelling body—that one having the greatest electrical capacity—which is sensible or active electricity.
This excitement in small bodies is produced by friction or rubbing; whilst in the planets it may be, by their universal combination of all material substances, their great velocity through space, amidst, the continual motion and chemical composition of their own atmospheres, gases and matter to us unknown with the beautiful economy of their revolutionary arrangement, of continual proximity and retrocession toward and from a common center, which incessantly sends forth sensible rays of matter, all tend with transcendent and admirable adaptation, to keep up a state of sensible electricity necessary for impelling the revolution of the great Planetary System (13).
As iron placed in contact with copper becomes positively electrified the copper becoming negative—and tin in like manner placed with iron becoming positive—the iron becoming negative—so may the earth be similarly affected when in comparative near proximity to some other planet; and others in like manner to each other.
At the point of aphelion—having attained a negative condition—the earth being attracted by the sun which is always intensely positive to all other bodies belonging to the solar system—is impelled to perihelion; where again attaining a positive condition, it is impelled to aphelion through an electric elliptical orbit, the track of its annual circuit.
It is not improbable that the earth like the moon occasionally casts off stones, or other missiles from her surface, to some other planet most probably the moon. At the instant when that planet is at perigee, a ‘rock,” or some other detached solid body (may they not be real magnetic stones) having attained a positive intensity of sensible electricity, equal to that of the body of the earth, is impelled to the moon as a meteoric stone to us.
Doubtless this theory will be disputed like all new discoveries, provided those who are competent deign to notice it; but should it receive the verdict of a “bill of ignoramus (14),’ that will not prevent intelligent minds from reflection (15).