I’ll update this page as needed during the semester. You should free to suggest links as well.
Academic Phrasebank: Resource for academic writers that provides examples of “phraseological ‘nuts and bolts’ ” of academic writing.
The College Writing Program supports writing across the curriculum. Drop-in hours are held during the semester in the Watt Writing Room (Pardee 319), Sunday through Thursday, from 4-7 p.m., and from 7-10 p.m. in Skillman 105. CWP also offers programming during the semester on a range of topics related to academic writing.
The English Department’s website includes information about majors and minors, course offerings, speakers and events, the Marquis literary magazine, and Department sponsored writing competitions.
Eyre Apparent: A Rare Book School Exhibition Celebrating Charlotte Bronte’s Classic Novel. Offers an overview of the novel’s circulation and some nice images of book covers to various editions.
Help with MLA formatting from the Purdue Online Writing Lab.
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (requires your Lafayette user name and password).
Oxford English Dictionary. (requires Lafayette user name and password). THE dictionary resource for well-informed readers because it offers not only definitions but etymologies (origins of words and how their meanings have changed over time).
Shelley-Godwin Archive (visit this site to see digitized copies of the Frankenstein notebooks).