Periodicals and the Nineteenth Century Novel
- Click on the links below to get to your main page. Use the Sample Page below as an example of how to set up your main page.
- In addition to your annotations, each example you share should provide at the top a brief introduction to your document (what is it? when was it published? who is the author? what does it contribute to our understanding of novel reading and writing in the 19th century?
- Following the example of the sample page linked below, you should also craft a short bibliographic entry for your main page that provides an overview of your publication. When and where was it published? Who were the editors (if there were more than a few, consider highlighting one or two)? Who was the intended audience? What was it known for? To find this information, I recommend starting with a subject search in Skillman’s catalog for American Periodicals or British Periodicals. Then narrow it down from there.
Godey’s Lady’s Book (Sample main page)
The Anglo-African Magazine
Maxim Chuckrow, Evan Fudala, and Gabby Kapanka
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine
Leah Bartlett, Lizzie Gumala, and Kate Shouvlin
The Dial: A Magazine for Literature, Philosophy, and Religion
Douglas Barnett, Dylan Sarich, and Ally Valdes
Natasha Maryott, Carly Johnson, Becca Wilts
The Girl’s Own Annual Paper
Bia Brait-Amorosino & Sarah Candido
New York Mirror and Ladies’ Literary Gazette
Meredith O’Neill, Katelin Seber, and Richel Shea