
By SJ Hopkins. Visit him on deviantart:

By SJ Hopkins. Visit him on deviantart:

Life is strange. I’ve inadvertently become a night dweller. Last night, I stared at my computer screen until it was 7 a.m., and laid down to sleep when the early rays of the sun were just beginning to emanate across the sky.

I don’t know why I did this, other than because.

I get tired, but something tells me not to go to bed. I desire to stay up and watch one more youtube video or one more twitch stream or play one more game of League of Legends or one more dungeon in A Link Between Worlds. It’s not any individual thing. Something in me wants to stay up late.

All my friends say the same thing is happening to them. They have nocturnal sympathies.

Is it the consequence of being an overworked college student home free over winter break, with no obligations to wake him up in the morning? An unfulfilled life in the day? A desire for the quiet privacy, the warm darkness of night?

I’m not sure. I’m going to bed.