Hello, World!

Hello Lafayette College! This is my blog!

What is my blog about, you ask? It says right up there in the tag line, you dingus! Writing, Math, and Games – basically my three favorite things, except for possibly food. I will be posting quite a few things to get up and running in the next few days, so stick around. Favorite me! Text me with what you want me to write about (732-272-4534). I won’t disappoint.

I figure the best thing to do right here is to let you guys know a bit about me. I know, I know, I hate giving introductions, but you gotta know something about me, right? :p

Well, my names is Luke Wasacz, and I’m a sophomore English & Math double major from Wall, NJ. I like English because of its ambiguity and math because of it’s certainty. For some reason they just both happen to jive with me.

Some fun facts about me:

  • My teeth are medically about two years older than I am (as in, I had my wisdom teeth out about two years earlier than you would expect, etc.)download
  • I once was a pizza delivery boy, but got fired after taking ninety minutes to deliver a pizza that was four minutes away. That was quite an experience.
  • I once tried (in vain) to pee into a toilet full of frozen water.

I’m a huge poetry fan, especially spoken word poetry. Some of my favorites include E.E Cummings, Phil Kaye, and this guy. If you ever wanna talk literature, and especially poetry, I’m game. I’m currently one of the editors of The Marquis, so please, submit everything you’ve ever written to us. I have a lot of interests, too. In high school, I played a ton of chess, Super Smash Brothers, and Magic: The Gathering. Currently, I’m really into League of Legends. I’m part of the Lafayette Speech and Debate team, a member of arts society, and a Writing Associate. Last year, in the Marquis Players production of Curtains!, I was Daryl Grady, theater critic at the Boston Globe.

I live in one of the off-campus arts houses, Parsons 626, with Nikki Bauer and Alex Schaler. Stop by anytime! My room mates and I will be very nice to you, compliment your taste in clothes, and give you food, probably for free.