
In this class, you can expect to do the following kinds of writing:

Informal writing in class or for homework, for the purposes of beginning or advancing the discussion, contextualizing the reading, and/or generating questions and ideas you can explore/develop in later assignments.  Some of the informal writing assignments will ask you to contribute to our class blog.

2 writing projects:

Poetry literacy narrative that examines your poetry reading experience up to and including our class.  (6-7 pp.)

Biographical profile of a Lafayette English Professor.  Group research project investigating the career of a member of the Lafayette English Department who taught during the 19th or early 20th century.

Quizzes.  On most Fridays, there will be a 10-minute quiz at the beginning of class with questions based on the reading and especially on our discussions.  You can expect to be asked to identify passages; know dates for works, authors and periods; and define apply literary and critical terms and concepts. Format may be short answer, matching and/or multiple choice.

2 Exams.  Similar to quizzes, but longer.

I will provide you with more details about all of these assignments as the deadlines approach.  With a few exceptions, the audience for all of your writing will be members of our class–your classmates and me.  Unless otherwise specified in the assignment, please use MLA format.