Evaluation of Learning

Your learning in the course will be evaluated in the following ways:

Writing 25%
Participation 25%
Quizzes 25%
Exams 25%

Descriptions of the different writing assignments for this semester can be found on this website in the section on writing.  In general, grades will be assigned according to the following criteria:

Writing, quizzes and exams

A:   Work exceeds expectations and requirements given in the assignment.

B:  Work demonstrates a solid working understanding of the expectations and requirements given in the assignment.

C:  Work meets the minimum expectations and requirements given in the assignments or struggle to understand the material.

D:  Work was incomplete.

F:  Work was not submitted, or submitted late without advance notice and permission from me.

Participation and Preparation

A:  You are a regular contributor to class discussion, active in small groups (your group works for the allotted time and stays on task), and an active participant on the course website (you comment regularly on others’ posts, and you have contributed at least 4 substantive posts beyond the posts required for homework).  You have no unexcused absences.

B:  On most days, you contribute to class discussion, and you are active in small groups.  You comment regularly on others’ posts, and you have contributed at least 2 substantive posts beyond the required ones.  You have no more than 2 unexcused absences.

C:   You only contribute to class discussion when called on and your responses when you’re called on demonstrate the minimum for preparation.   You are relatively quiet in small groups.  You have not contributed to the class blog beyond the required posts.  Basically, you’re attending class.  You have at least 3 unexcused absences.

D:  You do not voluntarily participate in class discussion, are silent in groups, and your responses when you’re called on reflect a lack of preparation and/or engagement.  You have not contributed to the class blog beyond the required posts.

F:  You have missed 6 or more class meetings.  (See Course Policies.)