Here is a list of the kinds of writing  you can expect to do in this course:

Informal in-class and homework writing:  for the purposes of generating class discussion and/or reflecting on group work.  You will do some kind of informal writing in class on most days.   Please have a thumb drive handy for saving your work, or if you prefer, bring a laptop with you.

4 Blog posts (target length 400 words):   For exploring further ideas and concepts discussed in class.  Specific assignments for your posts will be provided on Moodle.  See “Blog Post Assignment” and “Blog Post Schedule” (available on Moodle in Week 1) for more information and due dates.  I also expect you to comment on your classmates’ blog posts.

3 Essays (target length 1250 words):  Developed from your informal and blog post writing, and in which you explore further questions and problems of representing animals.

3 Portfolio Reflections (target length 700-1000 wds): About the writing in your portfolio and how it reflects your learning in the course to date.

For more information about how your writing will be evaluated, please see the Evaluation of Learning page on this site.