
Hello fellow classmates!

My name is Michael Astor, and I am a sophomore (Class of 2017) studying Biochemistry. I have many different interests outside of academics that are both through campus activities and through personal desires. On campus I am involved in a few different clubs, such as the Lafayette Environmental Awareness Program (LEAP), which helps raise awareness on and off campus about environmental issues, Lafayette VETS Club, which volunteers at a local animal shelter and performs other animal related activities, and the Racquetball Club. Along with these clubs I am involved in Excel Research in the Chemistry department, as well as an IDEAL research project studying the feral cat population on Lafayette’s campus. Off campus, I enjoy many outdoor activities such as football, basketball, cycling, working out, and hiking/camping; essentially anything that has to do with the outdoors. To me, being outside brings such a thrill and bewilderment that the confines of the indoors cannot provide. If I am not able to be found somewhere around campus, I can most likely be seen riding my bike around or doing something relating to the outdoors. I am actually hoping to participate in a bike race this October, in which I’ll be racing a half century (50 mile bike ride)!

Like most of you, I took this class because the course is not only interesting, but also fulfills the writing requirement. Although this is the case, I decided to take this class due to my deep interest in anything animal related. Although I am a biochemistry major, my career interests are to become a practicing veterinarian.

I am hoping to better myself not only as a writer through this class, but learn about how the general public views animals so I can apply these new ideas and thoughts to my future career as a veterinarian.