Tag: Introductions


I came into the class late and got swept up in the Laika work pretty quickly, but I figure this is better late than never…

I’m Alex Lehmann, a sophomore mechanical engineering major originally from a tiny town in New Hampshire called Warner.  Warner is known for its small farms and its thriving arts scene, as it is home to many nationally-renowned artists and writers including Pulitzer Prize winner Maxine Kumin.  Legend even has it that Robert Frost’s The Road Not Taken was written following a walk in the rural areas around Warner.

Outside of studies, I am a member of the Lafayette Ski Team.  I began alpine ski racing when I was six and haven’t stopped to this day.  I have raced every one of the last 13 winters and have also dipped my toes into the coaching world, working with high school varsity and club teams in New Hampshire.  Since it’s such a big part of my life, it seems fitting to include a picture of my racing here.



Animals have always been in my life as both pets and work partners.  Throught my life my family has had five cats and a dog, and I have worked with a Marine Corps MWD (military working dog) named Mushi.  I think this gives me an interesting view of both sides of the intrinsic/instrumental value argument as I have experience with both sides of the debate.  The Marine Corps Times put together a good report about a working dog handler that illustrates the relationship between MWDs and their handlers very well.

I look forward to continuing to improve my writing skills and also gaining some insight into a topic that I wouldn’t have thought much about before.  Here’s to a great rest of the semester!





I’m not sure why I picked this picture I just like hedgehogs….

My name is Emma. I am a junior and a bio major. I have an older sister who also went to Lafayette and she graduated in 2010. I live in a really small town in New Jersey at the beach. In the summer, I spend all my free time at there and playing tennis. I went to Biotechnology High School and it was very science focused. I didn’t particularly enjoy going there. My parents met at a ski mountain in upstate New York so since before I was born our family has been skiing at Hunter Mountain. I’m involved in a few clubs on campus including the Lafayette Activities Forum, as Director of Marketing and Outreach.

I was a mechanical engineer for two years, however I have since reevaluated my life plan and realized that I am not meant to pursue that career. When I was little I once told my family I wanted to be a flower, then after realizing this dream wasn’t possible, I decided I wanted to be a zoologist, and then a vet. I wanted to be an artist in high school because I was so fed up with science. I wanted a job out of school though so I went to engineering because my physics teacher told me I’d be good at that. I still don’t have a completely clear path that I’m on right now. I think I may want to become a pediatrician someday.

My favorite animal is an elephant so here is a video of a cute little elephant: here


The life of Bri

Hello class, my name is Brian Fogler. I am a junior economics major at Lafayette College. As a junior, I am involved in several on campus organizations. Those include: being a third year club soccer player, and being a member of the Delta Upsilon fraternity. I love watching most sports, mainly soccer and football. In addition to watching sports, one of my favorite things about Lafayette College is the great organization of the intramural sports prindexogram, which makes it fun to participate in.

I was born in Philadelphia, and raised in a town called Cherry Hill, New Jersey. My favorite family member by far is my dog Bazzle, a 13-year old Vizsla with a big heart.

I lived in Kamine Hall my freshman year, where I still maintain a good relationship with the great people who shared the same floor as me.

Over the summer I work at a day camp called Tall Pines Day Camp. I have been there for 14 years. I started as a camper and have worked there for the past seven years. For the last three summers, I have been in charge of 14-17 four and five year old boys. It is very rewarding to influence a younger generation, and all the hard work is worth it merely by the laughs I get each and every day from the outrageous things the kids say.

I am looking forward to garner a lot of writing skills throughout this class, as well as to make strong friendships with the rest of you. I wish the best of luck to all of you, and thank you for taking the time to read my blog.


Introduction -Michael Astor


Hello fellow classmates!

My name is Michael Astor, and I am a sophomore (Class of 2017) studying Biochemistry. I have many different interests outside of academics that are both through campus activities and through personal desires. On campus I am involved in a few different clubs, such as the Lafayette Environmental Awareness Program (LEAP), which helps raise awareness on and off campus about environmental issues, Lafayette VETS Club, which volunteers at a local animal shelter and performs other animal related activities, and the Racquetball Club. Along with these clubs I am involved in Excel Research in the Chemistry department, as well as an IDEAL research project studying the feral cat population on Lafayette’s campus. Off campus, I enjoy many outdoor activities such as football, basketball, cycling, working out, and hiking/camping; essentially anything that has to do with the outdoors. To me, being outside brings such a thrill and bewilderment that the confines of the indoors cannot provide. If I am not able to be found somewhere around campus, I can most likely be seen riding my bike around or doing something relating to the outdoors. I am actually hoping to participate in a bike race this October, in which I’ll be racing a half century (50 mile bike ride)!

Like most of you, I took this class because the course is not only interesting, but also fulfills the writing requirement. Although this is the case, I decided to take this class due to my deep interest in anything animal related. Although I am a biochemistry major, my career interests are to become a practicing veterinarian.

I am hoping to better myself not only as a writer through this class, but learn about how the general public views animals so I can apply these new ideas and thoughts to my future career as a veterinarian.


sheltiesf2Hello class! My name is Rachel Fletcher and I am a Neuroscience major. Because of my love for Neuroscience, I plan to pursue a career in Psychiatry.My home town is Kulpmont, Pennsylvania and I am one of six children. My family also has a friendly Shetland Sheepdog named Bandit who likes to play catch and eat cheese.

In my free time, I enjoy reading, playing the piano, and running. I hope to run my first marathon within the next year. At Lafayette, I am involved in Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, Orientation Leaders, and I am part of several clubs including SMAC and Relay for Life. I also work on campus as a Biology lab Teaching Assistant and at the Skillman Library circulation desk.

During the Spring 2014 Semester, I studied abroad in Auckland, New Zealand. While I was there, I took several elective classes including a class called Pacific Music and Dance. During this time, I had fun embarrassing myself while learning how to Hula. Some other exciting activities that I did in New Zealand include  bungee jumping on the Auckland Harbor Bridge and white water rafting the highest commercially rafted waterfall in the world. Although I am usually frightened easily, the adventurous attitudes of my friends from New Zealand inspired me to step out of my comfort zone.  Some day, I hope to return to New Zealand and spend more time exploring the country!

I am excited to take this class and I look forward to getting to know all of you!


Rachel Fletcher

Introductions: Sonia Bhala

Hello, my name is Sonia Bhala and I am a sophomore transfer at Lafayette College. I am a Neuroscience major and have aspirations to apply to medical school after Lafayette. I am a commuter student from Phillipsburg, NJ which is where I have lived for most of my life. Some interesting facts about me include that I speak Hindi and volunteer as an Emergency Medical Technician. I plan on getting involved with the Landis Center during my time at Lafayette College. I love animals and have a Bichon Frise at home named Fluffy.  The picture below is of a Bichon Frise and should give you some idea of what he looks like. I have always enjoyed English classes in the past because I love reading a variety of stories. I also enjoy expressing myself through writing which is why I often partake in creative writing in my spare time.

Other passions of mine include playing tennis and anything that has to do with the seaside/ocean. I love visiting shores and bays during the summer. My favorite places include Newport, RI and Seattle, WA.  One of my future dreams involves traveling and I hope that in the future I will have the resources to do so.

Currently I am taking 3 other courses besides this one at Lafayette. I am also enrolled in Latin, Organic Chemistry, and Psychology. I really wanted to come to Lafayette because I wanted to stay close to home for undergrad and wanted small class sizes. One thing that I repuppyally love about Lafayette is how interdisciplinary the curriculum is here.

I’m really excited to get to know all of you and to have a great time in this class.