
pup_x_1367616007_0My name is Giovanni Girardi. I am a junior and I am an economics major. I have recently transfered into Lafayette College from Hofstra University this semester. I am also fortunate enough to have a spot on the lacrosse team here. A major component in transferring was picking a school where I would see time on the field, but also recieve a better education, and Lafayette seemed like the perfect place.

I choose this class because animals, particularly dogs have been a part of the Girardi household for a long time. My family and I own a dog named Cocoa, and she is a Puggle. A Puggle is a mixed breed of a Pug and a Beagle. In May of 2006 Cocoa became a part of the Girardi family. Before Cocoa  we owned  a dog named Rocky who was a Cavalier King Charles Spanielamber-the-cavalier-king-charles-spaniel_56427_2011-03-12_w450. Unfortunately Rocky passed away in 2004 due to cancer at only 5 years old. Luckily my Puggle has lived passed that age and is now 8 years old (in human years that is)! My brother Nicholas and his wife own two dogs. Their oldest dog is a Mini-Pincher named Primo, he’s 3 years old. The youngest is a Chihuahua named Giulia and she is 2.

As dogs play a big role in my family, so does spending time with my family. Besides my brother Nicholas, I have two sisters Maria and Giuseppina. The newest addition to our family is sister in law Samantha. As I said earlier, my brother is married. The wedding took place in Long Island, New York just this past summer in June. If my name as well as my siblings’ names hasn’t given it away by now, I come from a typical Italian family. My mother Filippa was born in Sicily. She immigrated to America with her parents and three sisters in 1969. My father Florestano was born in America, but has not strayed away from his Italian heritage what so ever. I enjoy spending time with my family, as family means a great deal in Italian culture. Whether its eating my mothers infamous Sunday dinners or just talking and telling funny stories, the Girardi family always enjoys spending time with one another. I look forward to getting to know everyone much better this semester as well as reviewing and commenting on your blogs!

1 Comment

  1. Bianca Falbo

    Welcome to ENG 202, Giovanni. I look forward to working with you this semester. Is the Cavalier in your post your dog?

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