Black Jaguar White Tiger

I found this organization dedicated to rescuing big cats from circuses and big cat breeders Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 6.15.55 PM(similar to puppy mills) while perusing Instagram (user: blackjaguarwhitetiger) I figured that this organization might draw up some conversation on what Eduardo (the founder) is doing and where certain people stand in regards to his organization.

Here’s the link to his website:



Here’s a summarized version of his mission statement:Screen Shot 2014-11-03 at 6.11.42 PM
“We are fighting to eradicate the idea that a living being can be reduced to a simple object by possessing it…We are creating awareness about how sentimental, intelligent, and unique each animal is… The only thing that they donĀ“t do is talk a human language…
In September of 2013, the story of an orphaned black Jaguar cub in Mexico made its way to the ears of an individual, Eduardo, who just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Miguel, the cousin of Eduardo and an expert and long time advocate of animal care, told him that the cub, whose mother had died during birth, was being transported into the hands of a wretched character that planned to drug her in order to take pictures with the public as a source of revenue. Eduardo, always being a firm believer in equality and the proper treatment of all beings, took a leap of faith with existence and intercepted the cub from a loveless life in captivity…Allow us to tell you that it is not for the faint of heart. These are powerful and unpredictable children of nature, not a pet or a toy. Do not underestimate the commitment, work, energy, strength, and resources that are necessary to care for just one of these incredible beings. Today, with the help of devoted friends, Eduardo has rescued tens of felines (And counting) from a life of terror among the circuses, zoos, and breeders. Now that the Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation has been formed, his dream is to end all suffering of the beautiful children of existence that we humans have tried to dictate upon them.
The Black Jaguar White Tiger Foundation will soon plead for your economical help in rescuing our planet and raising awareness regarding the care of our environment and that of the innocent creatures that us humans are forcing into extinction. If we don’t do the change, then who will?”


  1. Bianca Falbo

    Thanks for posting this Abby. On their website you can hear echoes of some of the issues we’ve been talking about this semester (e.g., representing their cats as sentient individuals with interests). Their FB page is interesting too–and includes video clips of the animals.

  2. Brian Fogler

    Agreed professor, I too thank you Abby for bringing this to my attention. It immediately thought of Berger’s Eating Animals when Eduardo talked about the reduction of animals. Very honorable cause to say the least.

    • Bianca Falbo

      I thought of that too, Brian. It’s great that you can see these connections to the texts we’ve read.

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