My name is Kevin Mors and I’m a junior Govt. & Law major with a history minor. Last Spring I transferred to Lafayette after spending time at the University of South Carolina and the George Washington University.

I was born in Seoul South Korea and grew up in Ann Arbor Michigan with my mom, dad, and little sister.   We have a dog named Frank and two cats named Chaka and Tiger who have been with us since I was a baby.

I’m a huge sports fan and rarely miss a Lions, Red Wings, Pistons, or Tigers game. Hockey has always been my favorite though; this semester I joined the Lafayette club hockey team that basically takes up my entire night four times a week. Some of the other things I like to do are snowboarding, camping, and traveling.


So far this course has been as interesting as I hoped it would be, I’m excited to keep learning new perspectives regarding how we treat animals.