New Jersey Man Killed by a Bear

Hi everyone! This link came up on my facebook news feed and I thought that people might find it interesting. A college senior in New Jersey was killed by a bear while hiking. Apparently, this is the first fatal bear attack in the state since 1852! This article reminded me a lot of Treadwell’s death because the person involved willingly went into an area that is known to be filled with bears. Also, authorities immediately killed the bear that they believe is responsible for the boy’s death. Although the article states that the authorities are unsure about what caused this bear attack, it is certainly possible that the bear was provoked. According to other sources, the boy had several pictures of the bear on his camera. This means that he did not immediately take action to get away from the bear, so it is possible that the bear felt threatened by the humans. I was wondering what other people think about the decision by the authorities to immediately kill the bear?


P.S. Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!


  1. Brian Fogler

    That is quite scary, being from New Jersey myself. Although I have never been up that area, it is relatively close to my home. The author gave some good advice on how one should act if confronted by a bear.

  2. Bianca Falbo

    Hi Rachel–Thanks for sharing this article. The story has been getting a lot of attention lately, and I agree with you that there are interesting similarities to TT’s story. When animals kill humans, the fate of the animal is nearly always to be killed and regardless of whether the attack was provoked. Here’s another tragic example (tragic for all involved).

    Could I ask you to give a title to your post? Without a title, the post is hard to see. Thanks!

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