Human to be Eaten Alive by Snake

I found this video while searching the web today. I think it applies directly with Randy Malamud’s Zoo Spectatorship. As Malamud prefers television networks with animals than the zoos, what would he say about the intentions of the Discovery Channel? I think he would be against this.


  1. Michael Galperin

    I cringed watching this! I definitely think that Malamud would be against this. He would argue how just for the sake of entertainment we are forcing the anaconda to do something that could be potentially harmful to itself and obstructing it from its daily cycle in its natural environment.

  2. Jixuan Zhang

    Amazing trailer. For me, I definitely want to see this. But obviously, Malamud would be completely against this. Even though the snake is still in its natural habitat but people just make the snake to do something that against its nature. Also this video doesn’t have any sort of educational purpose.

  3. mateckek

    oh my god what! This is just terrifying. I agree with Mike, This is very dangerous to the human but also very dangerous to the animal who thought to do something like this? It’s disgusting!

  4. Nicholas Gurzynski

    Dang. That is a big snake. Sometimes we forget that nature has extremely dangerous animals, luckily these creatures tend to dwell in their respective environments. If someone came into my house and started provoking me, I would fight them and become frustrated. We as humans have the unique ability of self reflection, due to our mental cognition, we can evaluate logically and act accordingly. Many animals such as this bad-ass snake are labeled as killers when in reality, they are justly protecting themselves.

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