Month: September 2014 (Page 3 of 4)

Introduction to Nicholas Gurzynski

Hello Classmates,

I am Nicholas Gurzynski, a GOV/LAW and Geology double major from a small town on Long Island named Locust Valley. I have had the opportunity to have some really cool pets and hang with some rare and endangered animals in my life so far! I am fascinated by the unknown, whether its behavioral traits in whales or migration patterns of turtles. I am an avid fishermen but I always throw what I catch back, hopefully to catch it again another day.

I am involved in the Marquis Steering Committee and am a Marquis Scholar here on campus. My hobbies include coral reef research and sailing, both of which I was able to do this summer while interning in Australia. I am pursuing a career in intellectual law, more specifically a focus in patents and inventions. I am always down to go for a hike or fly fish down on the Delaware. My dad and grandpa both attended Lafayette and I am proud to becomet on a third generation on this campus.

I am an avid writer, mostly personally, but I have been a research associate on some published works titled, “Crassotrea Virginica, the use of an electrical stimulus as a means of population enhancement and heightened growth.”  I look forward to learning more about animals and our varied perceptions of them through this course! My writing and research papers are published on, a non-for profit organization I work for called the National Coral Reef Alliance.   The picture I attached is one of my cats Blizzard, in my suitcase which happens regularly. Blizzard has a twin sister named Comet and I nicknamed them respectively Dot.Com and the Blitz.


Alice Walker

You may know our new author, Alice Walker, as the author of the Pulitzer Prize winning novel, The Color Purple.  Walker was born in Georgia in 1944.  Her parents were sharecroppers and she was the youngest of 8 children.  She attended Spelman and then Sarah Lawrence college.  An activist for social justice, after college Walker worked on behalf of voter registration drives and participated in the famous 1963 march on Washington.  Her biographer in The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Literature (my source for this post) notes that Walker has written in every genre and that her writing “demonstrates a remarkable grasp of the political realities of systematic oppression.”

The title of the essay we read echoes a song, “Am I Blue?” made famous by Billie Holiday (1915-1959).  The essay invites readers to think about connections between its project, the song, and the life of Holiday.

About Sandy

index     My name is Jixuan Zhang. Call me Sandy. I’m majoring in Economics. I’m from Chengdu, China. It is a big city located at east part of China .It is a city famous for hot pot and pandas. Hot pot is a very special and local food in Chengdu. Basically you just put  a big simmering metal pot at the dinner table and add a lot of chili and sichuan pepper into the pot. While the pot is simmering, you could add any ingredient you want. Having hot pot every once in a while means that you need to have a very high tolerance of spicy food. And I love spicy food.  I don’t have any brothers or sisters thanks to the single-child policy in China. So growing up in a big city without a sibling can get  quite lonely at times too.

Sadly, I don’t have a dog. It is not easy to have a dog in a big city like Chengdu. But I love dogs and I used to spend a lot of time with my cousin’s dog. It’s a white Labrador.

For this class, I do want to learn a lot about college writing. All my previous experience about college writing comes from FYS, which is obviously not enough at all.

As for my life after class, I spend a lot of time playing soccer and tennis with my friend. I also like to watch soccer games on weekend. Real Madrid and Manchester United are my favorite teams. Although the United is not doing so well recently, I have been supporting them for over 10 years.

Depictions of Mice

Hey guys,

In class we have been discussing a lot about the different ways images can depict animals, and in particular the 2 different images of the mice have stuck in my mind. These two pictures are especially interesting to me because I actually have pet mice in my dorm room (don’t tell residence life!). I was able to see the non-personal side of these pet mice when I was first unfamiliar to them grow into a personal familiarity that shows a uniqueness to each one of them.

Also, some of the pictures I’ve taken of them are remarkably similar to the ones in class.


The life of Bri

Hello class, my name is Brian Fogler. I am a junior economics major at Lafayette College. As a junior, I am involved in several on campus organizations. Those include: being a third year club soccer player, and being a member of the Delta Upsilon fraternity. I love watching most sports, mainly soccer and football. In addition to watching sports, one of my favorite things about Lafayette College is the great organization of the intramural sports prindexogram, which makes it fun to participate in.

I was born in Philadelphia, and raised in a town called Cherry Hill, New Jersey. My favorite family member by far is my dog Bazzle, a 13-year old Vizsla with a big heart.

I lived in Kamine Hall my freshman year, where I still maintain a good relationship with the great people who shared the same floor as me.

Over the summer I work at a day camp called Tall Pines Day Camp. I have been there for 14 years. I started as a camper and have worked there for the past seven years. For the last three summers, I have been in charge of 14-17 four and five year old boys. It is very rewarding to influence a younger generation, and all the hard work is worth it merely by the laughs I get each and every day from the outrageous things the kids say.

I am looking forward to garner a lot of writing skills throughout this class, as well as to make strong friendships with the rest of you. I wish the best of luck to all of you, and thank you for taking the time to read my blog.


Volunteers needed for Canine Cognition Study

A few days ago, you received an announcement requesting canine (and human) volunteers for an honors thesis project on how dogs make decisions.  I’m reposting the announcement here (1) in case you miScreen shot 2014-09-04 at 12.02.46 PMght have missed it and (2) to encourage you to participate if you’re at all interested.  The research, Katie Brown (’15), is a psychology major and former student of mine.  Her project is, so far as I know, the first psychology honors thesis on dog cognition, which is a growing area of interest.  I’ll be participating with my crew.  If you’re interested, follow this link for more information about how you can participate.  And of course the best part will be that you get to bring your dog to campus.

Introduction of Michael Galperin


Born to a Russian household,  I was raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Originally, I was born in Stamford, Connecticut; however, when I was about one year old my family moved to Philadelphia. I am the youngest of four children and happen to be the only boy, too. In addition, I have an Australian cattle dog named Winnie.

I am majoring in biology with a minor in French. Although my future plans are constantly changing, I currently plan on pursing medical school after Lafayette College and then working for organizations such as Doctors without Borders or Partners in Health.
Even though I have future medical aspirations, I love to read and write. I have not always been this way, though. It was not until high school,where my AP Language and Literature teacher really taught me to love and appreciate reading and writing.

Apart of learning, some of my other passions include cooking, playing tennis, and traveling. I have been cooking since I was about three years old. It is a hobby that allows me travel all across the world without leaving the kitchen. Particularly, I love to cook Indian, Thai, and French dishes. I have been playing tennis for over ten years now and is something that I can never get bored of playing or watching.

As of now, I have only traveled to two other countries, South Korea and Israel. I am planning, however, to extend that amount of countries by studying abroad next semester in Paris, France. There, I will be able to test my French skills I have acquired thus far!

Introduction -Michael Astor


Hello fellow classmates!

My name is Michael Astor, and I am a sophomore (Class of 2017) studying Biochemistry. I have many different interests outside of academics that are both through campus activities and through personal desires. On campus I am involved in a few different clubs, such as the Lafayette Environmental Awareness Program (LEAP), which helps raise awareness on and off campus about environmental issues, Lafayette VETS Club, which volunteers at a local animal shelter and performs other animal related activities, and the Racquetball Club. Along with these clubs I am involved in Excel Research in the Chemistry department, as well as an IDEAL research project studying the feral cat population on Lafayette’s campus. Off campus, I enjoy many outdoor activities such as football, basketball, cycling, working out, and hiking/camping; essentially anything that has to do with the outdoors. To me, being outside brings such a thrill and bewilderment that the confines of the indoors cannot provide. If I am not able to be found somewhere around campus, I can most likely be seen riding my bike around or doing something relating to the outdoors. I am actually hoping to participate in a bike race this October, in which I’ll be racing a half century (50 mile bike ride)!

Like most of you, I took this class because the course is not only interesting, but also fulfills the writing requirement. Although this is the case, I decided to take this class due to my deep interest in anything animal related. Although I am a biochemistry major, my career interests are to become a practicing veterinarian.

I am hoping to better myself not only as a writer through this class, but learn about how the general public views animals so I can apply these new ideas and thoughts to my future career as a veterinarian.


sheltiesf2Hello class! My name is Rachel Fletcher and I am a Neuroscience major. Because of my love for Neuroscience, I plan to pursue a career in Psychiatry.My home town is Kulpmont, Pennsylvania and I am one of six children. My family also has a friendly Shetland Sheepdog named Bandit who likes to play catch and eat cheese.

In my free time, I enjoy reading, playing the piano, and running. I hope to run my first marathon within the next year. At Lafayette, I am involved in Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority, Orientation Leaders, and I am part of several clubs including SMAC and Relay for Life. I also work on campus as a Biology lab Teaching Assistant and at the Skillman Library circulation desk.

During the Spring 2014 Semester, I studied abroad in Auckland, New Zealand. While I was there, I took several elective classes including a class called Pacific Music and Dance. During this time, I had fun embarrassing myself while learning how to Hula. Some other exciting activities that I did in New Zealand include  bungee jumping on the Auckland Harbor Bridge and white water rafting the highest commercially rafted waterfall in the world. Although I am usually frightened easily, the adventurous attitudes of my friends from New Zealand inspired me to step out of my comfort zone.  Some day, I hope to return to New Zealand and spend more time exploring the country!

I am excited to take this class and I look forward to getting to know all of you!


Rachel Fletcher

Introductions: Sonia Bhala

Hello, my name is Sonia Bhala and I am a sophomore transfer at Lafayette College. I am a Neuroscience major and have aspirations to apply to medical school after Lafayette. I am a commuter student from Phillipsburg, NJ which is where I have lived for most of my life. Some interesting facts about me include that I speak Hindi and volunteer as an Emergency Medical Technician. I plan on getting involved with the Landis Center during my time at Lafayette College. I love animals and have a Bichon Frise at home named Fluffy.  The picture below is of a Bichon Frise and should give you some idea of what he looks like. I have always enjoyed English classes in the past because I love reading a variety of stories. I also enjoy expressing myself through writing which is why I often partake in creative writing in my spare time.

Other passions of mine include playing tennis and anything that has to do with the seaside/ocean. I love visiting shores and bays during the summer. My favorite places include Newport, RI and Seattle, WA.  One of my future dreams involves traveling and I hope that in the future I will have the resources to do so.

Currently I am taking 3 other courses besides this one at Lafayette. I am also enrolled in Latin, Organic Chemistry, and Psychology. I really wanted to come to Lafayette because I wanted to stay close to home for undergrad and wanted small class sizes. One thing that I repuppyally love about Lafayette is how interdisciplinary the curriculum is here.

I’m really excited to get to know all of you and to have a great time in this class.

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