
'I'm allergic to dinosaurs!'

Hello everyone, I’m Brian O’Neill and I’m a Junior from Wayland, Massachusetts.  I’m a film and media studies major with Spanish minor, and I also write for The Lafayette sports section.  Writing has always been my favorite academic activity at school considering I’m god awful at math and wouldn’t last 30 seconds as any major that required computing of any sort.  So here I am, doing my best to represent animals with the rest of you!

As for my relationship with animals, well, let’s just say that I’ve always wanted a dog, and probably would have one if not for a set of crippling factors.  I myself am allergic to dogs, and cats, and some other fluffy or furry animals with dander of some sort, including (but not limited to) horses and donkeys and what not.  My allergy to cats is much worse than my allergy to dogs, and the outcome of being too close to a cat can end with a few frantic inhaler hits and an eye drop in each eye.  My issue with dogs is much more subtle, but all the more frustrating.  It would seem for a time that being near a dog, or even just in the same house as a dog, is fine, and often times I’m led into a false sense of security thinking that I’m safe from the impending misery that will soon catch up to me.  This doesn’t even come close to stopping me from playing with dogs though – I will always give a happy puppy a treat and a head scratch and just deal with the consequences.  As a matter of fact, I frequent videos such as these in order to explore my hypoallergenic options.

Beyond animals, I am a huge sports fan, and I adamantly follow both Soccer and Football.  I write for the Men’s Soccer team here at Lafayette.


  1. Bianca Falbo

    Hi Brian — can you make the link in your post active?

  2. Sonia Bhala

    Hi Brian! I just wanted to say that my mom is allergic to dogs too and that is why we have a hypoallergenic dog, a Bichon Frise! They are really smart but require a ton of attention. Just out of curiosity, are you considering getting a hypoallergenic dog in the future? 🙂

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