Introduction of Michael Galperin


Born to a Russian household,  I was raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia. Originally, I was born in Stamford, Connecticut; however, when I was about one year old my family moved to Philadelphia. I am the youngest of four children and happen to be the only boy, too. In addition, I have an Australian cattle dog named Winnie.

I am majoring in biology with a minor in French. Although my future plans are constantly changing, I currently plan on pursing medical school after Lafayette College and then working for organizations such as Doctors without Borders or Partners in Health.
Even though I have future medical aspirations, I love to read and write. I have not always been this way, though. It was not until high school,where my AP Language and Literature teacher really taught me to love and appreciate reading and writing.

Apart of learning, some of my other passions include cooking, playing tennis, and traveling. I have been cooking since I was about three years old. It is a hobby that allows me travel all across the world without leaving the kitchen. Particularly, I love to cook Indian, Thai, and French dishes. I have been playing tennis for over ten years now and is something that I can never get bored of playing or watching.

As of now, I have only traveled to two other countries, South Korea and Israel. I am planning, however, to extend that amount of countries by studying abroad next semester in Paris, France. There, I will be able to test my French skills I have acquired thus far!


  1. Sonia Bhala

    Hey, we have a lot in common! I have been playing tennis recreationally for the past 5 years and am also interested in pursuing medical school after Lafayette. I love Novak Djokovic with all my heart.

  2. Bianca Falbo

    Cattle dogs are so cool. Any photos?

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