Introduction -Michael Astor


Hello fellow classmates!

My name is Michael Astor, and I am a sophomore (Class of 2017) studying Biochemistry. I have many different interests outside of academics that are both through campus activities and through personal desires. On campus I am involved in a few different clubs, such as the Lafayette Environmental Awareness Program (LEAP), which helps raise awareness on and off campus about environmental issues, Lafayette VETS Club, which volunteers at a local animal shelter and performs other animal related activities, and the Racquetball Club. Along with these clubs I am involved in Excel Research in the Chemistry department, as well as an IDEAL research project studying the feral cat population on Lafayette’s campus. Off campus, I enjoy many outdoor activities such as football, basketball, cycling, working out, and hiking/camping; essentially anything that has to do with the outdoors. To me, being outside brings such a thrill and bewilderment that the confines of the indoors cannot provide. If I am not able to be found somewhere around campus, I can most likely be seen riding my bike around or doing something relating to the outdoors. I am actually hoping to participate in a bike race this October, in which I’ll be racing a half century (50 mile bike ride)!

Like most of you, I took this class because the course is not only interesting, but also fulfills the writing requirement. Although this is the case, I decided to take this class due to my deep interest in anything animal related. Although I am a biochemistry major, my career interests are to become a practicing veterinarian.

I am hoping to better myself not only as a writer through this class, but learn about how the general public views animals so I can apply these new ideas and thoughts to my future career as a veterinarian.


  1. Rachel Fletcher

    Hello Michael! It seems like this class is perfect for you. Although you are taking this course to fulfill your writing requirement, it is great that you get to do so while learning about a topic that you are interested in. I also love being outside, and it seems like we have a lot of the same interests. Good luck with your 50 mile bike ride and the rest of your future plans!

  2. Bianca Falbo

    Welcome to 202, Michael. I think it’s terrific that, as a vet, you’re interested not only in animal welfare, but in how people think about animals and human-animal relationships. That understanding should be really valuable when you’re dealing with people and real-life situations.

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