Introductions: Sonia Bhala

Hello, my name is Sonia Bhala and I am a sophomore transfer at Lafayette College. I am a Neuroscience major and have aspirations to apply to medical school after Lafayette. I am a commuter student from Phillipsburg, NJ which is where I have lived for most of my life. Some interesting facts about me include that I speak Hindi and volunteer as an Emergency Medical Technician. I plan on getting involved with the Landis Center during my time at Lafayette College. I love animals and have a Bichon Frise at home named Fluffy.  The picture below is of a Bichon Frise and should give you some idea of what he looks like. I have always enjoyed English classes in the past because I love reading a variety of stories. I also enjoy expressing myself through writing which is why I often partake in creative writing in my spare time.

Other passions of mine include playing tennis and anything that has to do with the seaside/ocean. I love visiting shores and bays during the summer. My favorite places include Newport, RI and Seattle, WA.  One of my future dreams involves traveling and I hope that in the future I will have the resources to do so.

Currently I am taking 3 other courses besides this one at Lafayette. I am also enrolled in Latin, Organic Chemistry, and Psychology. I really wanted to come to Lafayette because I wanted to stay close to home for undergrad and wanted small class sizes. One thing that I repuppyally love about Lafayette is how interdisciplinary the curriculum is here.

I’m really excited to get to know all of you and to have a great time in this class.


  1. Rachel Fletcher

    Hello Sonia! I decided to comment on your blog post because it seems like we have a lot in common. I am also a Neuroscience major who plans on becoming a doctor some day. It is amazing that you are an emergency medical technician, and I am interested in doing something similar in my gap year before medical school. I have also taken organic chemistry, and my best advice is to study a little bit every night! Your future plans sound wonderful, and I hope you are able to do everything that you listed!

  2. Sonia Bhala

    Thank you Rachel! 🙂

  3. Bianca Falbo

    Welcome to 202, Sonia. You mentioned an interest in volunteer opportunities through the Landis Center: I think there may be a group who goes to our local shelter, The Center for Animal Health and Welfare, each week. I think there’s also a non-Landis-affiliated group called PAW (The Promotion of Animal Welfare).

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