In this course, you can expect the following kinds of writing assignments:
Informal writing, in class or for homework, for the purposes of generating or following up on class discussion. Some informal writing assignments will ask you to post or to respond to posts on the class blog. Detailed instructions about how to contribute to the blog will be provided in class during the first week and available on Moodle after that. I will periodically collect this writing and respond to it as needed. You should save your informal writing in a folder (except the blog posts–they can live on WordPress): at the end of the semester, I will ask you to re-read your informal writing and consider how it contributed to your thinking about the final project.
- 2 take-home, essay exams, written in response to questions drawn from class discussion.
- Triple-entry notebook, for recording and reflecting on the assigned reading and visual texts. I will periodically collect and respond to your notebook. Details about this assignment are available on Moodle.
- Final writing project, written in drafts and revised in response to feedback from your classmates and the WA:
- An original, illustrated children’s book and short critical essay reflecting on your work, OR
- A research paper describing and analyzing 3 versions of a fairy tale.
This course is affiliated with the College Writing Program which provides writing associates (WAs) to courses across the curriculum. The WAs assigned to our course are Sony Mathew and Stephan Geneus, and their contact information is available here. They will meet with you 4 times during the semester to discuss your writing. The first meeting will be an informal, introductory meeting. The others will focus on your work for the final project. Sony and Stephen are obligated to keep me informed about attendance at WA conferences. Missing a WA meeting counts the same as missing a class.