

Below is an overview of our schedule. Check Moodle for details about weekly reading and writing assignments.

Week 1 / Introductions

screen-shot-2017-01-22-at-9-59-56-pm“Origins” of children’s literature
Introductory blog posts
Reader/writer profile

Weeks 2-4 / Alphabets and Picture Books

Alphabets (NACL)
Picture book workshop (in class)
Nodleman, Words About Pictures:  The Narrative Art of Children’s Picture Books (selected chapters available on Moodle)
Notebook check 2/10
First WA conference (Wk 3)

screen-shot-2017-01-22-at-10-02-08-pmWeeks 5-7 / Fairy Tales

Selected fairy tales (NACL)
Zipes, “Origins of the Fairy Tale for Children” (Moodle)
Little Mermaid (on reserve)
Conferences with me to discuss final project plans (Wk 6)
Take-home exam and updated notebooks due 3/10


Weeks 8-10 / Animal Stories

Animal Fables (NACL)
Charlotte’s Web (on reserve)
Second WA conference (Wk 8)
Final project drafts due (Wk 9)

screen-shot-2017-01-22-at-10-03-46-pmWeeks 11-13 / School Stories

Taylor, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry
Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Third WA conference (Wk 12)
Take-home exam due 4/28

Week 14 / Final projects and presentations

Fourth WA conference
Final projects and notebooks due 5/10