Evaluation of Learning

Your work in this course will be evaluated as follows:

Participation and Preparation (25%)
Triple-entry Notebook (25%)
Take-home exams (25%)
Final project (25%)

Participation and Preparation

A:  You are a regular contributor to class discussion, active in small groups (your group works for the allotted time and stays on task), and an active participant on the class blog  (you comment regularly on others’ posts, and you have contributed at least 4 substantive posts).  You have no unexcused absences.

screen-shot-2017-01-22-at-9-48-52-pmB:  On most days, you contribute to class discussion, and you are active in small groups.  You comment regularly on others’ posts, and you have contributed at least 2 substantive posts.  You have no more than 2 unexcused absences.

C:   You only contribute to class discussion when called on, but your contributions demonstrate that you have done the reading and are following the trajectory of discussion.  You are relatively quiet in small groups.  You have no voluntary contributions to the class blog.  You have at least 3 unexcused absences.

D:  You do not voluntarily participate in class discussion, are silent in groups, and your responses when you’re called on reflect minimal to poor preparation and/or engagement.

F:  You have missed 6 or more class meetings.  (See Course Policies.)


(These are general criteria I will use to evaluate your writing.  Individual assignments will provide more details.)

A  Demonstrates a solid working understanding of the material at hand.  Exceeds expectations by extending and exploring issues or ideas from class discussion with the result that something new or surprising is made visible. Provides close, thoughtful interpretations of examples.  Engages in thoughtful, interested reflections, especially about challenges and difficulties presented by the reading.  Undertakes substantive revision.  Demonstrates working knowledge of MLA format.  Very few surface/sentence-level errors.

Demonstrates a solid working understanding of the material at hand.  Makes an effort to develop further ideas and questions discussed in class and can reflect in thoughtful and interesting ways on difficulties and challenges presented by the reading.  Provides close, thoughtful interpretations of examples.  Undertakes substantive revision.  Demonstrates working knowledge of MLA format.  Demonstrates evidence of proofreading.

C  Demonstrates engagement with the material at hand as well as issues and questions discussed in class.  Willing to reflect on difficulties and challenges presented by the reading.  Includes and discusses examples.  Willing to engage in revision.  Uses MLA format, but may struggle with some details.  May also struggle with proofreading.

Written assignments are often late, incomplete, or not submitted.

Written assignments are repeatedly late, incomplete or not submitted.