Imperial Japan:

Gakushūin Daigaku shiryōkan 学習院大学史料館 ed.  Ehagaki de yomitoku Taishō jidai 絵葉書で読み解く大正時代 (The Taishō Era as Understood Through Picture Postcards). Tokyo: Sairyūsha, 2012.

Hosoma Hiromichi 細馬宏通. Ehagaki no jidai 絵はがきの時代 (Postcard Era). Tokyo: 青土社, 2006.

Ikeda, Asato, Aya Louisa Mcdonald, and Ming Tiampo. Art and War in Japan and Its Empire, 1931-1960. Leiden: Brill, 2013.

Ikuta, Makoto 生田誠. Rosuto modan Tokyo ロスと・モダン・トウキョウ Lost Modern Tokyo. Tokyo: 集英社新書ヴィジュアル版0二七V, 2012.

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Mori, Yasumasa 森安正. Zenkoku ehagaki shigaichi sōran 全国絵葉書市街地総覧 [Nationwide Overview of Cities, Towns and Streets in Japanese Postcards]. Kyoto: Ehagaki bunka o tanoshimu kai, 2009.

Morse, Anne Nishimura, J. Thomas Rimer and Kendall H. Brown. Art of the Japanese Postcard. Boston: MFA Publications a Division of the Museum of Fine Arts, 2004.

Satō Kenji. “Postcards in Japan: A Historical Sociology of a Forgotten Culture.” International Journal of Japanese Sociology 11:1 (November 2002): 35-55.

Shimada Kenzō 島田健造. Checklist of Japanese Commemorative Picture Post Cards 日本記念絵葉書総図鑑 カラー復刻版. 日本郵趣出版, 2009.

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Tomita Shōji 富田昭次. Ehagaki de miru Nihon kindai 絵はがきで見る日本近代. Tokyo: Seikyusha, 2005.

Tucker, Anne., et al.  The History of Japanese Photography. New Haven: Yale University Press in association with the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 2003.

Weisenfeld, Gennifer S. Imaging Disaster: Tokyo and the Visual Culture of Japan’s Great Earthquake of 1923. 2012.

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Atkins, E. Taylor. Primitive Selves: Koreana in the Japanese Colonial Gaze, 1910-1945. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010.

Kim Yong-beom  김용범.  “Modan toshi Keijō no junrei: Jongno, Honmachi ten” o mite. (Looking at “A Pilgrimage to Modern Urban Keijō: Jongno-Honmachi Exhibit”). Himoji shiryō kenkyū (The Study of Nonwritten Cultural Materials). No. 28 (July 2012): 2-9.

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Kwŏn, Hyŏk-hŭi 권 혁희. Chosŏn esŏ on sajin yŏpsŏ (Postcards from Korea) 조선 에서 온 사진 엽서. Sŏul: Minŭmsa, 2005.

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Culver, Annika A. Glorify the Empire: Japanese Avant-Garde Propaganda in Manchukuo.  Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013.

Kishi Toshihiko 貴志俊彦. Manshūkoku no bijuaru-media: Postā, ehagaki, kitte 満 洲国のビジュアル・メディア: ポスター・絵はがき・切手 (Colonial Manchuria’s visual media: Posters, pictorial postcards, postal stamps). Tokyo: Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, 2010.

Mōri Yasuhide 毛利康秀. ‘Ehagaki kenkyūshi kara mita Harubin ehagaki no ichizuke to Dejitaru aakaibuka no igi’ [The Place of Harbin Picture Postcards viewed from Postcard Historiography and the Significance of Digitization of Archives]. Nihon Daigaku bunrigaku-bu jōhō kagaku kenkyūjo nenji kenkyū hōkokusho 8 (2009): 55-64.

Nihon yushu kyokai 日本郵趣協会(編). <JAPEX ’08>記念出版 MANCHURIA 満洲・東北 Manchuria or Northeast China from the Philatelic Viewpoints.  東京:日本郵趣出版, 2009.

South Seas/Southeast Asia

Satō Kenji, ‘Ehagaki no naka no jinruigaku’ [Anthropology in Picture Postcards] in Yamashita Shinji, ed., Kankō jinruigaku [Touristic Anthropology]. Tokyo: Shin’yōsha, 1996, 45-53.

Urakawa Kazuya 浦川和也. “Kindai Nihonjin no Higashi Ajia, Nan’yō shotō e no ‘manazashi’: ehagaki no rekishiteki kachi no “ibunka” hyōshō” [The Japanese “Gaze” on the Peoples of East Asia and Micronesia: Archives Importance and the Other Race Representation, in the Japanese Picture Postcards]. Kokuritsu rekishi minzoku hakubutsukan kenkyū hōkoku 140 (March 2008): 117-164.

Russo-Japanese War:

Dower, John. “Asia Rising: Japanese Postcards of the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905).” MIT Visualizing Cultures.

Kōgo Eriko. 向後恵里子. 「一枚の絵葉書から」『明星大学人文学部日本文化学科 ことばと文化のミニ講座』 Vol. 88 (January 2015). link

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_______. ‘Teishinshō hakkō Nichiro seneki kinen ehagaki: sono jissō to igi’ [Ministry of Telegraphs and Posts Commemorative Battle Postcards of the Russo-Japanese War: On their Empirical Status and Significance] 逓信省発行日露戦役紀念絵葉書―その実相と意義―. Bijutsushi kenkyū 美術史研究 41 (2003): 103-142.

Miura Yasuyuki 三浦泰之. ’1900 nendai kara 1920 nendai no ehagaki arubamu kō’ [On a Picture Postcard Album from the 1900-1920 Era]. Hokkaidō Kaitaku kinenkan kenkyū kiyō [Bulletin of the Historical Museum of Hokkaido] 37 (2009): 129-164.

Seok Huajeong 石和静.  Nichi-ro sensō: fūshiga ni miru 日露戦争:風刺画にみる [The Russo-Japanese War Viewed from Caricatures]. Tokyo: Sairyusha, 2010.

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Shimazu, Naoko. Japanese Society at War: Death, Memory and the Russo-Japanese War Studies in the Social and Cultural History of Modern Warfare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Sino-Japanese War; National Mobilization (1937-45):

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Pacific War (1941-1945)

Asahi shinbunsha, ed. Shinsōban Nihon no sensō 2: Taiheiyō sensō  新装版:日本の戦争2:太平洋戦争 [New Edition: Japan’s War part 2: The Pacific War]. Tokyo: Asahi shinbunsha, 2010.

Earhart, David. Certain Victory: Images of World War II in Japanese Media. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe, 2008.

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Inoue Yūko 井上祐子. Senji gurafu zasshi no sendensen: jūgonen sensō shita no ‘nihon’ imeeji 戦時グラフ雑誌の宣伝戦:十五年戦争下の「日本」イメージ [The Propaganda War in Wartime Graphic Magazines. Tokyo: Seikyusha, 2009.

Kawamura Kunimitsu 川村邦光. Seisen no ikonogurafi: Tennō to heishi, senshisha no zuzō, hyōshō 聖 戦のイコノグラフィ:天皇と兵士・戦死者の図像・表象 [The Iconography of the Holy War: The Iconography and Representation of Emperor and Soldiers and those who Died on the Battlefield]. Tokyo: Seikyusha, 2007.

Ruoff, Kenneth J. Imperial Japan at Its Zenith: The Wartime Celebration of the Empire’s 2,600th Anniversary. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2010.

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Japanese Imperial Photography/Art/Visual Culture

Akazawa Takeru 赤澤威, Ochiai Kazuyasu 落合一泰 and Seki Yūji 関雄二. Iminzoku e no manazashi: koshashin ni kizamareta Mongoroido 異民族へのまなざし: 古写真に刻まれたモンゴロイド (The “Other Visualized: Depictions of the Mongoloid Peoples). Tokyo: Tokyo Daigaku Shuppankai, 1992.

Clark, John. “Indices of Modernity: Changes in Popular Reprographic Representation.” In Being Modern in Japan: Culture and Society from the 1910s to the 1930s edited by Elise K. Tipton and John Clark. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2000.

Fujitani, Takashi. Splendid Monarchy: Power and Pageantry in Modern Japan. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996.

Kaneko Ryūichi, “Realism and Propaganda: The Photographer’s Eye Trained on Society.” In The History of Japanese Photography edited by Anne Wilkes Tucker, et. al. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2003.

Matsuda Kyōko. Teikoku no shisen: Hakurankai to ibunka hyōshō 帝 国の視線:博覧会と異文化表象 [The Imperial Gaze: Exhibitions and the Representation of Foreign Cultures/Others]. Tokyo: Yoshikawa kobunkan, 2003.

Mayo, Marlene, Thomas Rimer and H. Eleanor Kerkham, eds. War, Occupation, and Creativity: Japan and East Asia, 1920-1960. (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2001).

Weisenfeld, Gennifer. “Touring Japan-as-Museum: NIPPON and Other Japanese Imperialist Travelogues,” positions 8, no. 3 (Winter 2000): 747-794.

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Other Postcard Research

Albers, Patricia. ‘Symbols, Souvenirs, and Sentiments: Postcard Imagery of Plains Indians, 1898-1918’ in C. Geary and Virginia-Lee Webb, eds., Delivering Views: Distant Cultures in Early Postcards. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution, 65-89.

Albers, Patricia C., and William R. James. “Images and Reality: Post Cards of Minnesota Ojibway People: 1900-1980.” Minnesota History 49, no. 6 (July 1985): 229-240.

Albers, Patricia C., and William R. James. “Utah’s Indians and Popular Photography in the American West: A View From the Picture Post Card.” Utah Historical Quarterly 52, no. 1 (January 1984): 72-91.

Bagnall, Julie. “What to do with 323 postcards?” The Local Historian 41,1 (November 2011): 321-325.

Banta, Melissa. “Photographic Encounters in the Philippines, 1898-1910.” IIAS Newsletter 44 (2007): 14-15.

Brady, T. J. “Postcards and History.” History Today 19, no. 12 (December 1969): 823-831.

Brown, Stephen, and Bjarne Rogan. “An entangled object: the picture postcard as souvenir and collectible, exchange and ritual communication.” Cultural Analysis 4 (2005): 1+ Academic OneFile. Web. 5 July 2012.

Ciriaco, Conrado F. Catalogue of Philippine Picture Postcards, American Period: 1898 to 1941.  Philippine Republic: Self-Published, 1995.

Fraser, John, “Propaganda on the Picture Postcard,” The Oxford Art Journal (October, 1980): 39-47.

Griffith, Cathryn. Havana Revisted: An Architectural Heritage. New York: W.W. Norton, 2010.

Healy, Sianan. “Colonial post: aboriginal Australians in postcards, 1880s-1910s.” Melbourne Historical Journal 34 (2006): 51+. Academic OneFile. Web. 5 July 2012.

Hoskins, Janet. ‘Postcards from the Edge of Empire: Images and Messages from French Indochina.’ IIAS Newsletter 44 (2007): 16-17.

Jackson, Donald C. Pastoral and Monumental: Dams, Postcards, and the American Landscape. 2013.

_______. “The Pastoral, the Monumental and What Lies In-Between: Images of Dams and the Riparian Landscape.” In A History of Water Volume 3: The World of Water edited by T. Tvedt and T. Oestigaard.  pp. 323-348.

Laffan, Michael. “Another Andalusia”: Images of Colonial Southeast Asia in Arabic Newspapers.” Journal Of Asian Studies 66, no. 3 (August 2007): 689-722.

Likosky, Stephan. “Gender bending in early postcards.” The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide 18.5 (2011): 21+. Academic OneFile. Web. 3 July 2012.

Mantague, Joel G. Picture Postcards of Cambodia 1900-1950. Bangkok: White Lotus Co., Ltd., 2010.

Mathur, Saloni. “Wanted Native Views: Collecting Colonial Postcards of India.” In Gender Sexuality and Colonial Modernities, ed. Antoinette Burton, 95-116. Florence, KY, USA: Routledge, 1999.

Osorio, Alejandra. “Postcards in the Porfirian imaginary.” Social Justice 34.1 (2007): 141+. Academic OneFile. Web. 5 July 2012. [full text]

Prochaska, David. “Fantasia of the Phototheque: French postcard views of colonial Senegal.” African Arts 24.4 (1991): 40+. Academic OneFile. Web. 5 July 2012. [full text]

Prochaska, David and Jordana Mendelson, eds.  Postcards : ephemeral histories of modernity. University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, c2010.

Rowley, Alison. “Monarchy and The Mundane: Picture Postcards and Images of The Romanovs, 1890-1917.” Revolutionary Russia 22, no. 2 (December 2009): 125-152.

Sinervo, Aviva and Michael D. Hill. “The visual economy of Andean childhood poverty: interpreting postcards in Cusco, Peru.” Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 16, no. 1 (2011): 114-142.

Smith, Laura E. “Modernity, Multiples, and Masculinity: Horace Poolaw’s Postcards of Elder Kiowa Men.” Great Plains Quarterly 31, no. 4 (2011): 125-145.

Talukdar, Shashwati. “Picturing Mountains As Hills: Hill Station Postcards and the Tales They Tell. Tasveer Ghar: A Digital Archive of South Asian Popular Visual Culture. accessed 10-18-2014. link

Vanderwood, Paul J. “The picture postcard as historical evidence: Veracruz, 1914.” Americas: A Quarterly Review of Inter-American Cultural History 45.2 (1988): 201+. Academic OneFile. Web. 5 July 2012.

Vann, Michael G. “Of Pirates, Postcards, and Public Beheadings: The Pedagogic  Excecution in French Colonial Indochina.” Historical Reflections 36, 2 (Summer 2010): 38-58.

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Research in the History of Imagery and Empire, Colony, and Post-Colony

Behdad, Ali, and Luke Gartlan. Photography’s Orientalism: New Essays on Colonial Representation. 2013.

Chaudhary, Zahid R. Afterimage of Empire: Photography in Nineteenth-Century India. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2012.

Edwards, Elizabeth, ed. Anthropology & Photography. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1992.

Geary, Christaud M. In and Out of Focus: Images from Central Africa, 1885-1960. Washington, DC: Smithsonian National Museum of African Art, Philip Wilson Publishers, 2002.

Geary, Christraud  and Virginia-Lee Webb, eds., Delivering Views:Distant Cultures in Early Postcards. Washington DC: Smithsonian Institution, 1998.

Pinney, Christopher and Nicolas Peterson, eds. Photography’s Other Histories. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003.

Morris, Rosalind ed. Photographies East: The Camera and Its Histories in East and Southeast Asia. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2009.

Rose, Gillian. Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials 2d Edition. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2007.

Ryan, James P. Picturing Empire: Photography and the Visualization of the British Empire. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Savard, Dan. Images from the Likeness House. Victoria, Canada: Royal BC Museum, 2010.

Thomas, Julia Adeney. “The Evidence of Sight.”  History and Theory, 48 (December 2009): 151-168.