Timeline of Publication

Newspaper Article Editions:

  • January 7, 1897: The New York Press, “Stephen Crane’s Own Story”
  • (January 7, 1897: Philadelphia Press, “Stephen Crane Tells the Tale”)
  • January 7, 1897: Chicago Record, “Out of the Sea”
  • January 7, 1897: The New Orleans Times-Democrat, “Crane Tells the Story”
  • January 7, 1897Chicago Tribune, “As Told by Crane”
  • (January 8, 1897: Boston Record, “Stephen Crane’s Story of His Ship-Wreck”)
  • (January 9?, 1897: New Bedford Mercury)
  • (January 9, 1897: St. Paul Pioneer Press, “As Told by Crane”)
  • (January 20, 1897: London Morning Reader, “Stephen Crane’s Escape”)
  • (January 21, 1897: London Daily Mail, “S.S. Commodore, Filibuster”)

“The Open Boat”

  • June 1897: Scribner’s Magazine, “The Open Boat”
  • April 1898: “The Open Boat,” American and British book editions (simultaneous)