ITS Coffee Break for 10/19/07

Lafayette's network upgrade rolls through campus and host Ken Newquist and Courtney Bentley try out the second of three new microphones in this edition of the ITS Coffee Break. In Tech News, they discuss new apps for Apple's iPhone, how to collaborate with Google Docs and Sheets and speculate on Microsoft's plans to offer DRM-free downloads through its Zune Music Store. Finally, in Help News they review ITS' web site update project and take a look at the upcoming Web and Video Conferencing lecture being held in November.

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Show Notes

ITS News

  • Upcoming network outages in academic and administrative buildings
  • The Microphone Experiment Continues
    • This week: R-09 by Roland

Tech News

Help News

  • ITS Web Site Updating
    • We're in the process of reviewing and updating the entire ITS web site. If there's something you think we should add or change, let us know.
  • Web and Video Conferencing: Integrating Teaching with Technology
    • 4:10 p.m.-5 p.m., November 5, 2007
    • Location: Gendebien Room, Skillman Library 206
    • Lafayette's video conferencing room and new Web-based video conferencing software provide new opportunities for collaboration. This session will provide an overview of Web and video conferencing and how it can be used to enhance instruction, integrate off-campus experts into class discussion, enhance student services, and provide professional development opportunities to faculty. Coffee and light refreshments provided. Facilitated by Kelvin Bentley, Director of Distance Learning at Northampton Community College

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