ITS Coffee Break – 4/16/07 – Vista, Faculty Computers, Library Geeks, Mashtracker, Upcoming Brown Bags

This week on the Coffee Break, hosts Ken Newquist and Courtney Bentley discuss ITS's recommendations regarding using Windows Vista at Lafayette, discover how some librarians are learning all about Web 2.0, look at the Mashtracker web site for following cutting edge web technology news, and talk about faculty new computer options. They round out the show with announcements about three new ITS Brown Bags covering the virtual world Second Life, the open source course management software Moodle, and the latest developments on the World Wide Web.

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Show Notes

ITS News

  • ITS Recommendation Regarding Windows Vista
    • ITS has been testing Microsoft's Vista operating system since its release and has discovered several incompatibility issues with Vista and key network, academic, and administrative applications used on campus. For this reason, ITS continues to recommend Windows XP Professional as the operating system for all campus computers.
    • Read the recommendation on the ITS Web site.

Tech News

Help News

  • Faculty Desktop Program FAQ
    • The College’s Faculty Desktop Program provides funding for regular replacements of personal computer systems for all full-time faculty.
    • The FAQ
    • The Specs
  • Upcoming Brownbags
    • Second Life Field Trip, Tuesday, April 17, 2007
    • We Moodle. Will you?, Tuesday, April 24, 2007
    • Web 2.0, Tuesday, May 1, 2007
    • All will be held from noon-1 p.m. in Skillman 004. Lunch will be provided.

Contacting the Podcast