ITS Coffee Break for 10/18: EDUCAUSE, Google News, Second Life Reuters Bureau

Courtney Bentley reports on her recent trip to Educause, the education technology conference, including news about Duke's Digital Initiative, work on collaborative learning spaces, podcasting, and a Flash-based economics course. In tech news, Google's acquisition of YouTube and its release of its “web office” product Google Docs and Spreadsheets take center stage. In Help News there's a slew of workshop announcements, including details about the upcoming administrative computer training workshops.

Getting the Podcast

There are several ways to get the podcast:

Show Notes

ITS News

  • Things Courtney heard about at Educause:
    • Duke Digital initiative
      • Let the technology drive the project and innovation
      • Add mic adapter to iPods to do student projects, interviews, record service learning, foreign language exercises
      • About moving special projects to phased support
    • Strategic moves
      • Collaborative learning spaces
        • Digital video
        • Podcasting
      • Video conferencing
      • Mobile computing – tablets
      • Clickers
    • Univ of North Carolina at Greensboro – econ 201 an online game for college credit
      • 8 week, Flash-based game that is for Principles of Microeconomics credit
      • Development guided by Dr Jeff Sarbaum, prof of econ
      • The game has eight levels, each focusing on a fundamental economic concept–  there are three main “quests” in each level. Students will be required to ‘pass” a series of skill assessments before being allowed to move to the next level.

Tech news

Help News