ITS Coffee Break – 11/20/2006 – Blackboard vs. Moodle, Soapbox in the Classroom, Second Life

Learning management systems take center stage as Courtney Bentley, Ken Newquist and special guest Carrie Havranek (Visiting Part-time Instructor in English) talk about augmenting classes with online material in Blackboard, Moodle and Soapbox. They also discuss recent developments in the popular online world Second Life and review the new web site search documentation recently added to the ITS web site.

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Show Notes

ITS News

  • Learning Management System Survey & Results
    • Courtney talks about results of the recent Learning Management System she conducted, including what faculty think of the current Blackboard system and what our options are for the future.
  • Blackboard vs. Moodle
  • Soapbox in the Classroom
    • English adjunct professor Carrie Havranek talks about using Soapbox instead of Blackboard for her classes.
    • What's the difference between blogging on Soapbox and posting on Blackboard? (strengths, weakenesses

Tech News

  • Second Life Updates
    • CNN: Growing number of educators explore 'Second Life' online:
    • WSJ: Avatars at the Office
      • The Wall Street Journal talks about companies meeting virtually in Second Life.

Help News

  • New Search Documentation on ITS Web Site
    • Information about how Lafayette's "Google Mini" search engine works, how to optimize your web pages to work better with search engines, how to exclude your pages from a search, and how to add a Google search box to your web site.