ITS Coffee Break for Mon., July 17, 2006

The July 17 Coffee Break begins with reminders about the upcoming network outage and changing your network password, and then delves into conversations about how wikis can be used in collaborative projects and trends in podcast listenership. News of upcoming workshops rounds out the podcast.

Getting the Podcast

There are several ways to get the podcast:

Show Notes

ITS News

  • Network Outage July 19
    • This month's scheduled outage for network infrastructure maintenance will take place Wednesday, July 19, from approximately 3:00 AM to 7:00 AM. A list of services impacted by this outage will be posted closer to the outage date.
  • Changing Your Password and Setting up a Challenge/Response Question

Tech News

  • What Is a Wiki (and How to Use One for Your Projects)
  • CNET: Podcasts Popular in the Holodeck
    • The article stated: "6.6 percent of adults said they had downloaded audio podcasts within the last 30 days, and 4 percent had downloaded video podcasts. Since the question has only been recently added to the survey, according to the Nielsen/NetRatings spokeswoman, there is no data available for 2004 to allow for a growth comparison. (Blogging came in even lower at 4.8 percent.)"
    • It further said: "Internet users in the 18-to-24 age group are twice as likely to download audio podcasts than the average online adult. When it comes to video podcasts, however, the 25-to-34 age group downloads the most, and follow a close second for audio downloads, the report said."
    • Popular sites: "Macworld is the No. 1 most-visited content site by people who download audio podcasts, according to media research group Nielsen/NetRatings, while is the most visited content site among video podcast downloaders. "

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