ITS Coffee Break for Wed., July 5, 2006

This week the ITS Coffee Break looks at the upcoming LVAIC Technology in the Classroom Symposium and discusses Trinity University's course web site entitled “Games for the Web: Ethnography of Massively Multiplayer On-line Games”.

ITS News

  • LVAIC Technology in the Classroom Symposium
    • Wednesday, August 2, 2006, 8.30-9 registration and breakfast with first speaker at 9am
    • Cedar Crest College in Allentown
    • Presentations include: How Technology Has Changed the Way Forensic Science is Taught at the College and Graduate Level, Using Video Technology for Excel Competency Programs, Using Wireless Audience Response Systems to Increase Student Engagement and Retention, Pairing Linguistic and Music Intelligences in Technology Enhanced Literature Classrooms, and Gaming in English? No Way!
    • The day will also include lunch, and a tour of the DaVinci Discovery Center.
    • The symposium is free for all Lafayette faculty and staff. Registration is required, and can be completed online.

Tech News

  • Games for the Web: Ethnography of Massively Multiplayer On-line Games
    • Trinity University, San Antonio, TX
    • 16 research papers delving into the customs and cultures of the online gaming world, including games such as world of World of Warcraft and Second Life.
    • Paper topics include:
      • "Strangers in strange lands: Virtual worlds and the newbie experience"
      • "Bonds of trust: An in-depth look at social bonding within MMO guilds"
      • "The impacts of farming and crafting on MMO economies
      • "Second Life and school: The use of virtual worlds in high school education"

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